羅伯特•達恩頓(Robert Darnton),美國普林斯頓大學教授,是英語世界中最重要的法國史專傢之一,也是文化史、閱讀史方麵的領軍人物。代錶作有:《拉莫萊特之吻》、《屠貓記•法國文化史鈎沉》、《法國大革命時期的暢銷禁書》、《舊製度時期的地下文學》、《啓濛運動的生意》、《催眠術與法國啓濛運動的終結》。
His latest book vibrates with the strange political and literary energies of ancien regime France. The Forbidden Best-Sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France traces the merging of philosophical, sexual, and anti-monarchical interests into the pulp fiction of the 1780s, banned books that make fascinating reading more than two centuries later. French literature of the eighteenth century means to us today Rousseau and Voltaire and the "classic" texts that, we imagine, gave rise to the Revolution. Yet very few of the standard works of the Enlightenment were as widely read as books whose names we have never heard, books that were the currency of a huge literary underground during the reign of Louis XVI. Included in this volume are Darnton's translations of excerpts from three of these works. After twenty-five years of research, Darnton has summarized his findings in one brilliant work that examines the reciprocal relationship between private literature and the public world, the (illegal) spread of Enlightenment thought, and the interesting possibility that the writings of some not-so-famous authors contributed to the fall of the French aristocracy.
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評分這本書的最後一部分震的我都快忘記前麵講什麼瞭。 作者羅伯特達恩頓從法國大革命期間暢銷禁書的角度齣發,從書的發行齣版以及內容進行探討,試圖找尋到啓濛思想和法國大革命的因果關係。政治和思想到底是否存在關係,如果確實存在關係,那麼他們關係的相交點又在哪裏?第三部分...
評分 評分羅伯特·達恩頓在《法國大革命前的暢銷禁書》中提到瞭這樣一個問題:書籍引起瞭革命嗎?達恩頓提及這個話問題的時候意指瞭一種實實在在的流血暴力革命。在我們的習常觀念中,法國大革命與啓濛思想運動之間有著韆絲萬縷的聯係,後者為前者提供瞭思想積澱,尤其是通過閱讀我們現...
評分圖書標籤: 新文化史 曆史 羅伯特·達恩頓 法國 思想史 書籍史 Roger_Darnton 浪蕩主義
評分這是作者最好的一部書,也是其閱讀史理論的集中體現。可以說是這一領域的經典瞭。中文閱讀史研究要做到這個地步, 恐怕隻有晚明、晚清民國這幾段。唐、宋的材料最多隻夠寫閱讀史的文章, 書恐怕寫不齣來。
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