F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in 1896 in St.Paul,Minnesta,and attended Princeton University.In 1920,the same year in which the publication of This Side of Paradise propelled him to famd,he married Zelda Sayre.The couple divided their time between New York,Paris,and the Rivera,running in expatriate circles taht included such notable literary figures as Gertrude Stein,Ernest Hemingway,and John Dos Passos.One of the most influential American writers of the twentieth century,Fitzgerald's masterpieces include The Beautiful and the Damned,The Great Gatsby,and Tender Is the Night.Upon his dearth in 1940,left behind an unfinished novel,The Love of the Last Tycoon,which was published posthumously.
This is the story of Amory Blaine-a handsome,wealthy,and spoiled young Princeton student.Closely mirroring Fitzgerald's own experiences at school and abroad,Blaine's journey from prep school to college to the First World -War is the story of "the lost generation."Cynical and world-weary at the age of thirty,Blaine is the symbol of what Fitzgerald described as" a new gen-eration grown up to find all Gods dead,all wars fought,all faiths in man shaken."
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評分菲茨傑拉德在我看來是美國二十世紀前半葉最偉大的三個作傢之一。與早早就在國內享有盛名的海明威與福剋納不同,菲茨傑拉德被中國讀者瞭解就要遲瞭很多,甚至很多中國讀者開始知道菲茨傑拉德這個名字還是通過村上春樹和他的《挪威的森林》。 相對於海明威的硬漢風格、簡練...
評分一本書具有教育意義,我理解的應該是,這本書的故事或者人物摺射齣來的或者傳達的思想,對於此時此刻的你或者我具有一定啓迪,即使不同時代、不同背景卻仍有令自己反思的地方。 比如說,自我感覺是一個自我主義者,讀此書時對於艾默裏經曆與特徵的描寫感覺和自己實在是太相似瞭...
圖書標籤: Fitzgerald 美國 FranzScottFitzgerald 小說 菲茨傑拉德 美國文學 外國文學 文學
評分一般好看。想講的東西太多瞭,多種敘事風格的嘗試也沒太大意思,最重要的是剛剛重新拜讀瞭Gatsby.. 不過考慮到這是費少爺大學時候寫的,還能說些什麼呢。
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