伊迪丝·华顿(Edith Wharton, 1862-1937)是纽约一个名门望族琼斯家的女儿。和她的朋友亨利·詹姆斯一样,她在家中接受了良好的教育,后来多次出国旅行。1885年她和一个比她大十三岁的有钱的波士顿人爱德华·华顿结了婚。此人性格虽好,但他们却很少共同之处,几年以后,爱德华患了精神病,最终导致了他们的离婚,从此以后,伊迪丝长住巴黎,直到1937年去世。
The Age of Innocence 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
微信公众号:shenshike-HK (心是主人身是客) ====== 《纯真年代》(The age of innocence),伊迪丝.华顿(Edith Wharton)著。不久前看了电影,回味无穷。某对西洋文化向不感冒的看了此片,也咂吧着嘴说:第一次体会到名著的魅力。春节在折价书店惊见有这本书售,赶紧买下,三两...
评分 评分 评分如果只看梗概的话,伊迪丝·华顿的这部经典作品《纯真年代》,其实不过是一个再俗套不过的三角恋故事——里面有一个单纯的小姑娘,一个优雅的贵妇人,再加上摇摆不定的、善良但执意的男青年。故事里的人们就像是没有别的事情可做似的,整日只知道谈恋爱,“衣带渐宽终不悔,为...
评分王朔说中国女人的特点是在两性关系中往往表现得更有豪气,中国男人(读书人)反而显得懦弱猥琐。 我想这个观点其实放之四海皆准的。Ellen和Newland之间的这段感情其实从始至终都是由Ellen主导的。 Ellen真的在乎纽约社会对她离婚这件事的闲言碎语吗?她既然不在乎离婚,自然也...
图书标签: 美国文学 Edith_Wharton 爱情 外国文学 Wharton 小说 美国 EdithWharton
Publisher Comments:
With The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton became the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize. Set against the old New York of her youth, the novel portrays with unparalleled elegance the grandeur of the aristocratic order and the plight of those who envisioned freedom from its moral conventions. Here is the story of Newland Archer, a man engaged to the beautiful society girl May Welland, but privately longing for a life of genuine passion with the spirited countess Ellen Olenska. Recognized in her time as "a writer who brings glory on the name America," (The New York Times, 1920), Edith Wharton's eminence endures and her triumphant novel remains a compelling account of desire and its consequences.
All this frankness and innocence were only an artificial product. Untrained human nature was not frank and innocent; it was full of the twist and defenses of an instinctive guile.
评分Never ever rush into a marriage.
The Age of Innocence 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书