Kurt Vonnegut was born in Indianapolis in 1922. He studied at the universities of Chicago and Tennessee and later began to write short stories for magazines. His first novel, Player Piano, was published in 1951 and since then he has written many novels, among them: The Sirens of Titan (1959), Mother Night (1961), Cat's Cradle (1963), God Bless You Mr Rosewater (1964), Welcome to the Monkey House; a collection of short stories (1968), Breakfast of Champions (1973), Slapstick, or Lonesome No More (1976), Jailbird (1979), Deadeye Dick (1982), Galapagos (1985), Bluebeard (1988) and Hocus Pocus (1990). During the Second World War he was held prisoner in Germany and was present at the bombing of Dresden, an experience which provided the setting for his most famous work to date, Slaughterhouse Five (1969). He has also published a volume of autobiography entitled Palm Sunday (1981) and a collection of essays and speeches, Fates Worse Than Death (1991).
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比利挣脱了时间的羁绊。 在挣脱时间羁绊以前,他是个出生于20年代的美国青年,瘦弱无能。不过他的瘦弱无能从来没造成什么大麻烦,因为他是个普通的美国青年。直到1945年,他被送到德国战场。 这时候,他刚在配眼镜医生的专业学校读了半年。这个瘦弱没用的青年,也只是被叫去...
评分 评分冯内古特散漫跳跃的叙述模式与其说是对小说写作的一种"内敛",到不如说是对诗的一种外延,他同时拓展了写作和想象的双重空间,在他的文字中,是那么冷静,没有戏剧冲突,没有故事连续,没有主要情节,甚至没有明确的主角,没有逻辑,有的只是一些列场景和描写的拼贴,他用这种像做梦式的...
评分现在是几号屠场? 冯内古特《五号屠场》,用荒诞的手法表达了战争对人的荼毒,战争就是屠 场。 那么,现在是几号屠场? 很有意思的一本书,特别是时间转换,迷死我了。 比如,“毕利凭着对未来的回忆”,这句话多好啊。 小说的主线是二战期间盟军对德累斯顿的狂轰乱炸,13万人...
评分冯内古特,我终归要读的作家,据说以黑色与幽默称名。可是从这本《五号屠场》里我没看到多少幽默,至多是他不断重复的那句话:“事情就是这样。” 他的叙述,冷静虚无,这是因为他在用特拉玛法多的眼睛来看世界。这种腔调让它蒙上了一层苍凉。那是苍凉的时间,苍凉的人生,无可...
图书标签: 小说 黑色幽默 KurtVonnegut 二战 美国 Vonnegut 美国文学 英文原版
Billy Pilgrim is the son of an American barber. He serves as a chaplain's assistant in World War II, is captured by the Germans, and he survives the largest massacre in European history the fire bombing of Dresden. After the war Billy makes a great deal of money as an optometrist, and on his wedding night he is kidnapped by a flying saucer from the planet Tralfamadore. So begins a modern classic by a master storyteller.
评分<五号屠场>...比较严肃的主题, 但写得很无厘头啊哈哈哈哈!
Slaughterhouse-Five 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书