Making smart choices is a fundamental life skill, relevant to anyone: managers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, students, parents, young, old. Your decisions will shape and influence the course of your professional career and the quality of your personal life - the ability to make good decisions is a key factor in determining whether you achieve your goals. To help you increase your chances of finding satisfying solutions, "Smart Choices" blends the art and science of decision making into a straightforward, proven approach for making tough choices. "Smart Choices" doesn't tell you what to decide; it tells you how. Authors Hammond, Keeney, and Raiffa, among the world's best-known experts on resolving complex decision problems, blend the art and the science of decision making into accessible steps that lead you to consider your choices both intuitively and analytically. Here, for the first time, is a flexible system that can be applied to business decisions, to personal decisions, to family decisions - to any decision you make.
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精進學思行 精進學思行 1周前 這兩天華為再次成為新聞的焦點,人們為華為的“備胎”戰略點贊,佩服它的深謀遠慮,和之前的中興形成鮮明的對比。而這剛好和我們今天詳談的主題——風險相關,今天繼續分享《決策的藝術》這本書。 本文想和你分享的風險對決策的影響,以及怎麼利用...
評分 評分內容邏輯清晰,操作步驟明確,值得作為實踐指南的一本書。 決策是我們每個人每天都要做的事情。學習決策的方法,就可以在麵對人生各種難題的時候,不會慌張,不會害怕,真正做到一往無前,無所畏懼。 這本書把我們決策的思維過程拆分成瞭一個個獨立的環節,比較深刻和富有洞察...
評分原創: 精進學思行 精進學思行 今天 前段時間《復仇者聯盟4》很熱,和它類似的還有《X戰警:逆轉未來》,都是我很喜歡的係類,我不確定未來是否有技術能實現穿越,但是我們或多或少都有過類似的念頭:當自己的處境不好,或者當下碰到一個不好結果,就會想,如果當初不那麼選就...
評分原創: 精進學思行 精進學思行 "紹多謀少決,失在後事,公策得輒行,應變無窮,此謀勝五也"——郭嘉 "亮誌大而不見機,多謀而少決……"——司馬懿 “雙嚮授權,敢於決策”——某某 這是我們關於《決策的藝術》這本書的最後一篇分享,主題是成為有效的決策者,我們前麵介紹那麼多...
圖書標籤: 無 心理 study PMBA
評分老師逼著讀的 不過很好
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