With an Introduction by Dr Pamela Knights, Department of English Studies, Durham University On a poor farm near Starkfield in western Massachusetts, Ethan Frome struggles to wrest a living from the land, unassisted by his whining and hypochondriacal wife Zeena. When Zeena's young cousin Mattie Silver is left destitute, the only place she can go is Ethan's farm. An embittered man and an enchanting young woman meeting in such circumstances unleash predictable consequences as passions are aroused between the three protagonists, Edith Wharton's characterisation and deft handling of reversals of fortune are so accomplished that Ethan Frome has remained enduringly popular since its first publication in 1911 and is considered her greatest tragic story.
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Ethan Frome was once mentioned in Edith Wharton’s autobiography, A Backward Glance: The book to the making of which I brought the greatest joy and the fullest ease was ‘Ethan frome’. For yrs I had wanted to draw life as it really was in the derelict moun...
評分這是一本很容易被忽略的書,薄薄一冊,素白的包裝,實在顯得太不起眼。但就是這樣一本不起眼的小書卻令我反復讀過多次,並且每次讀來都仍然不免唏噓感慨主人公命運的悲慘,同時也為伊迪斯華爾頓的敘述功力所摺服。 如果拋開序幕和尾聲,那麼這部中篇小說的主題內容其實隻有四...
評分這是一本很容易被忽略的書,薄薄一冊,素白的包裝,實在顯得太不起眼。但就是這樣一本不起眼的小書卻令我反復讀過多次,並且每次讀來都仍然不免唏噓感慨主人公命運的悲慘,同時也為伊迪斯華爾頓的敘述功力所摺服。 如果拋開序幕和尾聲,那麼這部中篇小說的主題內容其實隻有四...
評分伊迪斯•華爾頓(Edith harton),不為人熟知的名字,我們能夠想起來的是她寫過一本《純真年代》,一個壓抑情感的故事,十九世紀美國上流社會的模範生阿切爾同誌,在模範婚姻裏蹉跎一生,老後隻能遠遠看著她的窗口感懷,我隻想說兩個字“活該”。他不配有更好的結局。在《神...
圖書標籤: Edith-Wharton 美國文學 小說 英文原版 美國 外國文學 EdithWharton Wharton
英文版的環境描寫非常齣彩 但情節就一般啦
評分英文版的環境描寫非常齣彩 但情節就一般啦
評分4 一股濃濃的Bronte味道,敘事結構從Wuthering Heights那裡藉來,Zeena則是Jane Eyre裡的閣樓瘋女人,被大雪所掩蓋無愛可訴的貧乏農地,註定瞭主角宿命性的悲劇。Wharton的語言太美瞭,濃縮在四個白夜裡,如鼕日的蝴蝶般短暫幻滅的熱情,以及隨之而來二十多年的無盡摺磨,就像張愛玲的金鎖記裡的月亮,冷眼旁觀地看著這三人殘酷的命運。
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