Michael Cunningham (born November 6, 1952) is an American novelist and screenwriter. He is best known for his 1998 novel The Hours, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the PEN/Faulkner Award in 1999. Cunningham is a senior lecturer of creative writing at Yale University.
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评分除了挣扎。 也许真的是脑袋有问题。我会愿意在这一间屋子里生活。出门,这个城市吓到了我,让我厌恶。如果你给生活无限做减法,把物质程度降到最低,最后剩下的就是明明白白一目了然的一堆糟粕——全部,来自你自身,全部,是你的欲望。 可现在这个名利浮躁的世界令我厌恶,尤...
评分"to look life in the face, always to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is. At last, to know it, to love it for what it is, and then to put it away. always the years between us, always the years, always the love, always the hours...
评分《时时刻刻》中,坎宁汉写了三位女性,弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫、劳拉·布朗、克拉丽莎·沃恩;她们各自的六月的一天:分别是1923年、1949年、1998年;三场自杀:沃尔夫的自杀、劳拉的自杀企图、克拉丽莎的朋友理查德的自杀。 小说以死亡开场。弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫给先生列奥纳多·沃尔夫...
评分看电影的时候,没有想到它是从小说改编来的。它那么像个剧本。结构和戏剧性。几乎不太可能是个小说。 可看完小说,变成的疑问是它怎么可能被拍成电影? 写得真好啊。 我这么笨重的身体,都被拨动。被 Cunningham灵巧、不可思议的手像拨弦一样轻易地拨动。声音,是那么纯洁而柔...
图书标签: 美国文学 小说 Michael-Cunningham 美国 MichaelCunningham Woolf 后现代 文学
A daring, deeply affecting third novel by the author of A Home at the End of the World and Flesh and Blood. In The Hours, Michael Cunningham, widely praised as one of the most gifted writers of his generation, draws inventively on the life and work of Virginia Woolf to tell the story of a group of contemporary characters struggling with the conflicting claims of love and inheritance, hope and despair. The narrative of Woolf's last days before her suicide early in World War II counterpoints the fictional stories of Samuel, a famous poet whose life has been shadowed by his talented and troubled mother, and his lifelong friend Clarissa, who strives to forge a balanced and rewarding life in spite of the demands of friends, lovers, and family. Passionate, profound, and deeply moving, this is Cunningham's most remarkable achievement to date.
评分这么美的一本书都要整整一个月才看完真是醉了。 喏,通勤时间太短并不是个100%开心的事儿吧>< 简直从头美哭到结尾。用一天看尽了生活的本身却只是轻笑着继续活下去。真的是美到极致的人生。果真看着就是个剧本的模子,我也终于成为可以读完原著再去补片的人了
评分三部分之间各有hint相互呼应,联系紧密。Laura和Sally两部分感触最深。如果说我们的人生,在所有的徒劳,平淡,浑噩以外,是靠焰火迸发般的时刻,那一瞬所有心愿与期待都达成的时刻,所支撑下来的话——等待焰火升空时,我们所仰望的那片黑暗苍穹,就是生活本身。"Fear no more the heat o'the sun, Nor the furious winter's rage."有一天我们会目睹焰火照亮夜空,有一天我们会安心面对黑暗再度降临。读书笔记:https://book.douban.com/review/8008573/
评分想法很巧妙啊 但是有点太注意技巧了和实验了 不过还是从小感动到大的一本书
评分有很多东西电影确实很难表现出来。。 | 电子书打印版
The Hours 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书