Hollywood moviemaking is one of the constants of American life, but how much has it changed since the glory days of the big studios? David Bordwell argues that the principles of visual storytelling created in the studio era are alive and well, even in today's bloated blockbusters. American filmmakers have created a durable tradition - one that we should not be ashamed to call artistic, and one that survives in both mainstream entertainment and niche-marketed indie cinema. Bordwell traces the continuity of this tradition in a wide array of films made since 1960, from romantic comedies like "Jerry Maguire" and "Love Actually" to more imposing efforts like "A Beautiful Mind". He also draws upon testimony from writers, directors, and editors who are acutely conscious of employing proven principles of plot and visual style. Within the limits of the 'classical' approach, innovation can flourish. Bordwell examines how imaginative filmmakers have pushed the premises of the system in films such as JFK, Memento, and Magnolia. He discusses generational, technological, and economic factors leading to stability and change in Hollywood cinema and includes close analyses of selected shots and sequences. As it ranges across four decades, examining classics like "American Graffiti" and "The Godfather" as well as recent success like "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", this book provides a vivid and engaging interpretation of how Hollywood moviemakers have created a vigorous, resourceful tradition of cinematic storytelling that continues to engage audiences around the world.
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1、三星,全都是給大衛·波德威爾,憑著對他的印象,認為這本書這麼難讀,完全不是他的錯。《香港電影的秘密》多好看,看瞭兩遍。 2、還是《飛越好萊塢》中的問題,專有名詞一定要附上原文。以後編書一定要注意! 3、最大的收獲竟然是書裏引用的剋爾凱郭爾的一句話:“生活隻...
評分波德維爾展示瞭他強大的分析能力;這種能力很不尋常,卻又極易被人忽略,它隱藏在波德維爾天馬行空的旁徵博引之中。雖然個彆章節有為湯普森打廣告的嫌疑,但至少他對《記憶碎片》的評價深得我心——“它是近年來最為新奇同時也最守規矩的影片之一。” 此話既揭示...
評分好萊塢是很多美國電影人的夢想之地,好萊塢的電影地球人都知道。大傢看電影還是很在乎所講述的故事,所以關於好萊塢電影的“敘事之道”,相信很多電影愛好者感興趣。這本《好萊塢的敘事之道》裏有很多乾貨。 全書分為兩部分,好萊塢電影的敘述手法和視覺風格。上世紀60年代算是...
評分在讀這本書的時候,你會覺得,說的東西並沒有太深奧,全書兩部分,第一部分談瞭經典敘事結構,三段論,第二部分,講的是故事結構,都是很基礎的東西。 但是事實上這些東西卻有很有優勢。在電影圈,很多人把泰囧、北京遇上西雅圖、中國閤夥人的票房成功歸結於所謂的黑馬...
圖書標籤: 電影 敘事學 film aesthetics 電影理論 英文 翻過 電影研究
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