Quentin Skinner is Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Christ's College.
Visions of Politics (Volume 1) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
评分斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
评分斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
评分斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
评分斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
图书标签: 剑桥学派 政治思想史 政治哲学 Quentin_Skinner 斯金纳 方法论 思想史 政治学
The first of three volumes of essays by Quentin Skinner, one of the world's leading intellectual historians. This collection includes some of his most important philosophical and methodological statements written over the past four decades, each carefully revised for publication in this form. In a series of seminal essays Professor Skinner sets forth the intellectual principles that inform his work. Writing as a practising historian, he considers the theoretical difficulties inherent in the pursuit of knowledge and interpretation, and elucidates the methodology which finds its expression in his two successive volumes. All of Professor Skinner's work is characterised by philosophical power, limpid clarity, and elegance of exposition; these essays, many of which are now recognised classics, provide a fascinating and convenient digest of the development of his thought. Professor Skinner has been awarded the Balzan Prize Life Time Achievement Award for Political Thought, History and Theory. Full details of this award can be found at http://www.balzan.it/News_eng.aspx?ID=2474
写法略嫌重复,四和八精彩。基于contextualization、speech act以及更广义的语言学/修辞学讨论的方法论一种。斯金纳健笔如椽,条分缕析的功夫、尤其是辨析他人多有所混淆的地方非常厉害。Intro结尾太有力,简直是对语言、甚至对书写最深情的告白。"The plea is to recognise that the pen is a mighty sword...We may be freer than we sometimes suppose."至于某个朝令夕改的国度,大约充斥着“paradiastolic redescription”吧。
评分#Meaning and undertanding in the history of ideas
评分This is a must-read for those who are interested in how to do intellectual history. Skinner explains what his historical contexualism is. He propounded an interesting explanation on the difference between intention and motivation. Intention is what one has in his/her mind when one does something. Motivation is the preceding event.
评分10.3 1-7 27-144 “Seeing things their Way”, “Interpretation, Rationality, and Truth”, “Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas”
Visions of Politics (Volume 1) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书