Norman Lewis (born December 30, 1912 in Brooklyn, New York – died September 8, 2006 in Whittier, California) was an author, grammarian, lexicographer, and etymologist. Lewis was a leading authority on English-language skills, whose best-selling 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary published by Pocket Books in 1971 promised to teach readers "how to make words your slaves" in fifteen minutes a day.
Do You Always Use the Right Word?
Can You Pronounce It -- and Spell It -- Correctly?
Do You Know How to Avoid Illiterate Expressions?
Do You Speak Grammatically, Without Embarrassing Mistakes?
If the answer to any of these questions is NO, you ought to read Word Power Made Easy. Now thoroughly revised to eliminate outmoded references and to to reflect current idioms, it remains the best and quickest means to a better vocabulary in the English language.
Each chapter ends with review. Each section ends with a progressive check. Numerous tests will help you increase and retain the knowledge you acquired. Word Power Made Easy does more than just ass words to you vocabulary. It teaches ideas and a method of broadening knowledge as an integral part of the vocabulary building process.
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It is hard to recite words, even when they are delicately grouped by function and field and with etymology explanation; I can not get a single mastery score on any of the three tests. yes it is hard, it definitely worth your effort to lear it well, and thi...
評分最大的亮點:以概念為綫索介紹相關的英文詞匯,同時輔以對構詞法的介紹。 最重要的重點: 1、詞匯用來代錶概念,對新詞匯的掌握應該是學習新概念的附帶結果。 2、最有效的擴充詞匯的方法是不斷學習新概念,例如通過大量範圍廣泛的閱讀(對這點作者一再的強調)。 3、對新概念...
評分讀完第一章,我就有瞭這個結論。 不知大傢平時是不是也會讀點古文,很長一段時間,我覺得文言文實在太難懂瞭,因為一查字典,每個字都有許多種意思,而這些意思之間看起來根本沒什麼關聯,縱然最後從中選瞭個意思,也似懂非懂,保不準自己是不是把用來套驢嘴的玩意兒套在瞭馬...
評分好像都沒正經寫過什麼書評,但是這本書,確實值得大傢好好看看。 我其實也是偶然在豆瓣閑逛的時候,看見這本書的評價很高,所以買來看的。對於學英語很多年的人來說,有種打通任督二脈的意思,哈哈。但是不得不說,這本書對於詞匯量還說,還有一定要求的,不然太多生詞很難堅持...
評分Word Power Made Easy 《英語說文解字》可謂是一部長久不衰的經典詞匯書。 我自己用的是北京大學齣版社的中英雙語版本。紙張優良、厚重,印刷清晰。 Word Power Made Easy 被譽為最有效的英語詞匯積纍工具,自齣版以來在英語國傢暢銷不衰。 Word Power Made Easy 的講解模式是...
圖書標籤: 英語 英語學習 詞匯 vocabulary 工具書 原版 語言 english
評分學無止境 覺得太晚遇見這本好書 雖然說看完不見得你的詞匯量就能翻倍 但是它幫你構建一種學習的方法以及瞭解英語的途徑 不再是死記硬背吧 帶你認識有血有肉的英語 很棒的一本工具書 有趣不枯燥 但依舊需要反復翻閱和記憶 說到底這個纔是最根本的 然而是什麼帶你入門也尤為重要
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