Ivanhoe 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在塞得利克一行被掳之时,书中有一大段文字,大致是将贵族血脉 罗文娜小姐和异端后裔蕊贝卡做了一番比较。 虽说论血出身来讲罗文娜小姐比较高贵,但是蕊贝卡的戏份却绝对 够得上第一女主角了。蕊贝卡生在万恶的封建社会又出身小户人家, 可是她的所作所为还是...
评分 评分司各特最著名最具代表性的历史小说,而内容也是中世纪的骑士精神小说。很是具有鲜明的特别。 小说以骑士艾凡赫和“狮心王”理查为正面代表人物。背景则是王权斗争以及王权与教权的斗争。书中的英国刚刚“诺曼征服”,原始住民撒克逊人和征服者诺曼人之间的斗争还未平息。同时统...
评分毕竟是早几十年的作品,故事情节比大仲马、显克维奇等人差不少。不过营造的中世纪氛围比较好,涉及面也比较广,提到农奴、绿林、宗教迷信什么的。 比项星耀译本好点的是诺曼人姓名之间的“德”翻出来了,这样很明显能看出其民族属性。(唯一的例外是德·布拉西翻译成了狄布来西...
评分司各特的书妙趣横生,文学价值与可读性均高,这一本更是好读得很 而最有趣的是序,充满特定时期的意识形态,由于马克思著作中批驳过狮心王理查,所以司各特在书中将理查塑造为正面形象这一点被作序者大加抨击,被冠以意识形态之类的大帽子,虽然司各特在书中清楚的写到理查是一...
图书标签: 英文原版 英国文学 骑士文学 马克吐温讽刺的小说形式 小说 19世纪英国小说 英语 英美文学
Hailed by Victor Hugo as 'the real epic of our age,' Ivanhoe was an immensely popular bestseller when first published in 1819. The book inspired literary imitations as well as paintings, dramatizations, and even operas. Now Sir Walter Scott's sweeping romance of medieval England has prompted a lavish new television production.
In the twelfth century, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe returns home to England from the Third Crusade to claim his inheritance and the love of the lady Rowena. The heroic adventures of this noble Saxon knight involve him in the struggle between Richard the Lion-Hearted and his malignant brother John: a conflict that brings Ivanhoe into alliance with the mysterious outlaw Robin Hood and his legendary fight for the forces of good.
'Scott's characters, like Shakespeare's and Jane Austen's, have the seed of life in them,' observed Virginia Woolf. 'The emotions in which Scott excels are not those of human beings pitted against other human beings, but of man pitted against Nature, of man in relation to fate. His romance is the romance of hunted men hiding in woods at night; of brigs standing out to sea; of waves breaking in the moonlight; of solitary sands and distant horsemen; of violence and suspense.' For Henry James, 'Scott was a born storyteller. . . . Since Shakespeare, no writer has created so immense a gallery of portraits.'
Ivanhoe 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书