弗蘭剋•邁考特(Frank McCourt)
"When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I managed to survive at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood." So begins the luminous memoir of Frank McCourt, born in Depression-era Brooklyn to recent Irish immigrants and raised in the slums of Limerick, Ireland. Frank's mother, Angela, has no money to feed the children since Frank's father, Malachy, rarely works, and when he does he drinks his wages. Yet Malachy -- exasperating, irresponsible and beguiling-- does nurture in Frank an appetite for the one thing he can provide: a story. Frank lives for his father's tales of Cuchulain, who saved Ireland, and of the Angel on the Seventh Step, who brings his mother babies. Perhaps it is story that accounts for Frank's survival. Wearing rags for diapers, begging a pig's head for Christmas dinner and gathering coal from the roadside to light a fire, Frank endures poverty, near-starvation and the casual cruelty of relatives and neighbors--yet lives to tell his tale with eloquence, exuberance and remarkable forgiveness. Angela's Ashes , imbued on every page with Frank McCourt's astounding humor and compassion, is a glorious book that bears all the marks of a classic.
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It takes time to cure. It takes time to reflect one's life. I wonder whether the boy, who survived all the miserable childhood, felt miserable at all himself. It takes a pure heart to appreciate the beauty of life. And the true appreciation means that you n...
評分這本書放在想讀書單裏都快十年,已經忘瞭當初為什麼想讀,應該是看瞭某個友鄰的推薦。如今已不可考。那天在舊書店看到這個版本,2.9元,居然想起來曾經想讀,當然主要是價格便宜,就隨手買瞭。 沒有任何預期。讀進去纔發現作者的文筆很有意思。敘事是作者從小男孩到19歲的視角...
評分正在讀《安吉拉的灰燼》這本書。它使我想起童年,那是文革混亂不堪的年代,苦難就像掙不脫的繩索緊緊牽扯著我們全傢。與佛蘭剋一樣的是,苦難中的我們也尋找到瞭很多歡樂。 和佛蘭剋一樣,我也正在寫那個年代的故事,但願能早日寫完。
評分關於這本書我就不羅嗦瞭,非常非常非常好看。Frank McCourt 把自己苦逼的愛爾蘭童年寫得讓人一邊哭一邊笑,完全陷入瘋狂的糾結之中。強烈推薦大傢去買來看看,他用詞很簡單,句子很短,寫得非常有畫麵感。所以獲得普利策奬絕對是當之無愧的。 下麵這段真是精彩啊。 看看最...
評分讀起《安琪拉的灰燼》,總會不由自主的想起高爾基的《童年》。同樣是迴憶童年,主人公都在艱難的情況下長大,經曆瞭無數的坎坷苦難,正如作者所說:“當我迴首童年,我總奇怪自己竟然活瞭下來”,由此可見成長的艱辛。 作者講述瞭一個愛爾蘭天主教徒的悲慘童年:傢庭貧...
圖書標籤: 愛爾蘭 小說 美國 童年 Ashes Angela's 親愛的書架 馬鞍山
閱讀的 Frank McCourt自傳係列的第二本,寫得真好。
評分閱讀的 Frank McCourt自傳係列的第二本,寫得真好。
評分閱讀的 Frank McCourt自傳係列的第二本,寫得真好。
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