丹·西蒙斯(1948~ ):美国最天才横溢的小说家,写遍奇幻、科幻、恐怖、推理、惊悚、历史、主流文学,任何类型,只要他一出手,必定叫好又叫座,捧回无数大奖,是名副其实的“跨界之王”。
Endymion 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
手上没书,先照着记忆写,拼写错误莫怪。 部分内容参照:http://www.douban.com/group/topic/1270462/ 但未出现在本部中的名词就没收录。 部分英文名称参照:英文维基百科的“Hyperion”、“the Fall of Hyperion”及“Endymion”词条。 星球、星系名称: Armaghast 阿马...
评分 评分 评分两本安迪密恩,似乎被作者强行打上了“解释一切《海伯利安》中未解之谜”的使命标签。 也许正是作者抱着这种心态写作,才会导致后两本就像一块注水肉一样,在龟速进行的剧情中填充着无比细致的各种描写说明以及解释,就像一个拙劣的幻想文学作者一样,试图从方方面面将笔下世界...
评分读完安迪密恩,这本书感觉是一个过渡,为最终的结局去揭秘,故事按双线程来写,最终双线合流;从海伯利安来到了旧地“地球”,顺便说一下海伯利安是希腊神话中老一代的“太阳神”。 经过此次太阳地球之旅,会有什么新的发现呢? 明天开始读下面的结局。 安迪密恩被月亮女神梦...
图书标签: 科幻 海伯利安 丹·西蒙斯 DanSimons Hyperion 太空歌剧 小说 史诗
The multiple-award-winning science fiction master returns to the universe that is his greatest triumph--the world of "Hyperion" and "The Fall ofHyperion" --with a novel even more magnificent than its predecessors. Dan Simmons's "Hyperion" was an immediate sensation on its first publication in 1989. This staggering multifaceted tale of the far future heralded the conquest of the science fiction field by a man who had already won the World Fantasy Award for his first novel ("Song of Kali") and had also published one of the most well-received horror novels in the field, "Carrion Comfort." "Hyperion" went on to win the Hugo Award as Best Novel, and it and its companion volume, "The Fall of Hyperion," took their rightful places in the science fiction pantheon of new classics. Now, six years later, Simmons returns to this richly imagined world of technological achievement, excitement, wonder and fear. "Endymion" is a story about love and memory, triumph and terror--an instant candidate for the field's highest honors.
"For now, my love, I wish you sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing."
评分终于读完了!!迫不及待准备读下一本了!Dan Simons讲故事的能力太棒了。一场特提斯河之旅与漫长的追逐交替进行,在这个过程中不断地发现自己与发现历史。
评分the journey through farcasters, 好莱坞式剧情!主角很中二,女主很坏小孩。。。
Endymion 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书