Malcolm Gladwell is a former business and science writer at the Washington Post. He is currently a staff writer for The New Yorker. This is his first book.
The Tipping Point 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
春节期间,花了点时间读了这本书。中信出版社出版的,可能是翻译上的问题吧,觉得有些地方不是很通顺,但是不影响对主题的理解。 老外就是有科学的研究精神,很常见的流行事件,能用科学的思维方式去加以概括,并指引人去解释生活中的流行事件,进而去引发、创造流行事件。 ...
评分试着将引爆点的理论套用在微博传播中,大致可以分为: 一、个别人物法则 1、联系员:那些人脉广、“粉丝”数量多的人; 2、内行:加V的名人,网络意见领袖,具有号召力的人 3、推销员:微博活跃用户,疯狂刷屏的人,愿意转发分享信息的人 二、附着力法则: 微博内容要有吸引力...
评分刚在当当买了这本书,我认为"引爆点"更加传神,我们不能把中文的意思又翻译回英文去对照翻译啊,因为每一次翻译均有信息的衰减(申农:<控制论>). 我们生活在一个网络的年代,几乎所有的事物都相互联系,一个事物如果不是一个节点,也会是一个联接。信息在各个节点之间通过联接进行...
评分1.流行三要素:传播行为、传播物本身、传播物发挥作用的环境。 2.个别人物法则(Law of the Few):三种关键角色联系员、内行、销售员。联系员维系着大规模的弱联系,是小世界中的社交经纪,他们不会回避对于社交关系的义务,在维持简单、随意、广泛的社交中获得快乐;内行会主...
评分以《Gladwell导读》为题目发在NewYorkerFans小组 另有Gladwell在《纽约客》历年文章精品 Xmeansme 很多人知道Malcolm Gladwell乃是Blink(台版译名:决断两秒间)和Tipping Point(引爆流行)这两本纽约时报榜首...
图书标签: 心理学 思维 MalcolmGladwell thinking English 社会学 商业 bestseller
The Tipping Point is that magical moment when an idea, trend, or social behaviour crosses a threshhold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. Just as a sick individual in a crowded store can start can epidemic of the flu, so too can a small but precisely targeted push cause a fashion trend or the popularity of a new restaurant to take off overnightor crime or drug use to taper off. Gladwell has explored this theory to great acclaim in several articles in The New Yorker. Here, he shows how very minor adjustments in products and ideas can make them more likely to become hugely popular. He reveals how east it is to cause group behaviour to tip in a desirable direction by making small changes in our immediate environment. The Tipping Point contains a profoundly hopeful idea that people will embrace for its sense and simplicity: one imaginative person, applying a well-placed lever, can move the world. Examples are recognizable: in the New York subways, removing graffiti caused a dramatic reduction in crime; a specific hip group of teenagers wore Hush Puppies and suddenly sparked a national craze. This is a book that should be read by everyone in business, politics, marketing, advertising, and anyone interested in trends, fashion, fads, policy making, and human behaviour. In other words, all of us.
评分listened as audiobook, not quite enlightening.
The Tipping Point 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书