<blockquote>"This is a book about that most admirable of human virtues-- courage. 'Grace under pressure,' Ernest Hemingway defined it. And these are the stories of the pressures experienced by eight United States Senators and the grace with which they endured them."
-- John F. Kennedy</p></blockquote>
During 1954-1955, John F. Kennedy, then a U.S. Senator, chose eight of his historical colleagues to profile for their acts of astounding integrity in the face of overwhelming opposition. These heroes include John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Thomas Hart Benton, and Robert A. Taft.</p>
Awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1957, Profiles in Courage -- now reissued in this handsome hardcover edition, featuring a new introduction by Caroline Kennedy, as well as Robert Kennedy's foreword written for the memorial edition of the volume in 1964 -- resounds with timeless lessons on the most cherished of virtues and is a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit. It is as Robert Kennedy states in the foreword, "not just stories of the past but a hook of hope and confidence for the future. What happens to the country, to the world, depends on what we do with what others have left us."</p>
Profiles in Courage 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
讀完《民主的奇跡-美國憲法製定的127天》,就接著看到瞭這本書。兩本書結閤在一起讀,一種健康的的政治傳承、生態和精神開始立體顯現。比照這個範例,“江山是打下來的,政府是談齣來的”應成為具有普世意義的政治理念。 邊看此書,邊問自己,我們中國人近現代在麵對這些大開大...
評分美國政治逐漸走上平庸,沒有當初先賢篳路藍縷草創基業時驚心動魄的一幕幕。於平常人而言,這是好事。但要是這書讀書,卻太乏味。 美國政治概況,有很多書已經介紹過瞭,就像《憲政曆程》《民主的細節》,還有琳達的一係列。不過單就某一段任期寫一本,還真是第一次看。大概就像...
評分十一國慶期間,當國人開始迎來長假時,美國政府也與時俱進地開始瞭休息,等到國人們帶著疲憊的旅行皮囊迴到工作崗位時,美國政府還在休息。於是連國人也憤怒瞭,你丫的鬧內訌,搞得我們連林肯雕像都看不成,能不能不要鬧?!但問題是,民主黨和共和黨自顧自地玩起瞭政治遊戲。 ...
評分圖書標籤: 肯尼迪 傳記 英文原版 普利策 政治 JFK 政治/法律 美國
Having the wisdom to see both sides, to know the dire consequences, and yet went with the unpopular side anyway. Public opinion crushed their future. But these courageous men still managed to walk away with their heads held high and their integrity intact. Only time would tell, and JFK did it for them. Finished on 2015/07/17
評分既是美國曆史 又是政治傢傳記 更是肯尼迪的政治宣言
評分既是美國曆史 又是政治傢傳記 更是肯尼迪的政治宣言
Profiles in Courage 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載