前田約翰(John Maeda)
前田約翰在藝術上的貢獻也不容忽視,他得奬無數,例如:美國設計界最高榮譽Smithsonian雜誌的國傢設計奬(2001年)、日本朝日設計奬(2002年)、德國Raymond Loewy基金會奬(2005年)、戴姆勒剋萊斯勒設計奬(2000年)等等。他曾在巴黎、紐約、倫敦、舊金山、東京、大阪等地舉辦過多次個人展覽,深獲好評。他的作品也被紐約現代美術館、舊金山現代美術館、史密森尼機構的國傢設計美術館收藏。
Finally, we are learning that simplicity equals sanity. We're rebelling against technology that's too complicated, against DVD players with too many menus, and software accompanied by 75-megabyte "read me" manuals. The iPod's clean gadgetry has made simplicity hip. But sometimes we find ourselves caught up in the simplicity paradox: we want something that's simple and easy to use--but also does all the complex things we might ever want it to do. In The Laws of Simplicity, John Maeda offers guidelines, ten laws for balancing simplicity and complexity in business, technology, and design--for needing less and actually getting more.
Maeda--a professor in MIT's Media Lab and a world-renowned graphic designer--explores the question of how we can redefine the notion of "improved" so that it doesn't always mean something more, something added on.
Maeda's first law of simplicity is "Reduce." It's not necessarily beneficial to add technology features just because we can. And the features that we do have must be organized (Law 2) in a sensible hierarchy so users aren't distracted by features and functions they don't need. But simplicity is not less just for the sake of less. Skip ahead to Law 9: "Failure: Accept the fact that some things can never be made simple." Maeda's concise guide to simplicity in the digital age shows us how this idea can be a cornerstone of organizations and their products--how it can drive both business and technology. We can learn to simplify without sacrificing comfort and meaning, and we can achieve the balance described in Law 10. This law, which Maeda calls "The One," tells us: "Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful."
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10條簡單的法則,分彆是: 1、減少(REDUCE):達到簡單的最簡單方法,就是用心割捨。 2、組織(ORGANIZE):妥善組織能使復雜的係統顯得比較簡單。 3、時間(TIME):節省時間會讓人感覺簡單。 4、學習(LEARN):知識使...
評分很薄的一本書,偶爾在同學書架上發現。在繁雜的社會,繁復的信息中,能找到一些好書,和淘寶也差不多。倒是真有一些淘書的趣味,這不是書評,而是記錄一些記得記錄的事情。 對於這種法則和規律的東西,我個人比較迴避,就是當你這樣思考問題的時候,你就意味著沒有瞭創意,還有...
評分有些書,我會反復閱讀,如《月神園》,前後寫下三篇書評。比如《簡單法則》,這是我的工作生活指導書,每次重讀,或者強化或者有新的發現。這次重讀,注意到書中提到的Georgia O'Keeffe,找瞭她的畫來看,是我喜歡的風格。如果不是學習畫,可能不會注意到。人總有盲點,正視、...
評分(一) 中國人和老外的軟件有些使用的細節是不同的。 就拿輸入來說,連續的輸入的時候,我們喜歡用迴車鍵(Enter鍵)。老外一般習慣用Tab鍵。老外的使用意義很明確:迴車代錶確定。Tab鍵代錶跳格,重新定位。 我們呢:隻要用著方便,管他怎麼樣都行。隻要能實現同樣的目...
圖書標籤: 設計 design JohnMaeda 藝術理論 設計 管理 生活 新媒體
Reduce, Organize, Time, Learn, Differences, Context, Emotion, Trust, Failure, The one.
評分quickly done reading. get the general idea of it by reading carefully the table of contents and glance over all the books.Read it in a simply but highly efficiently way
評分大贊之,關於 dots / simplicity 的 design ideas(此外,Maeda 在 TED 的 talks 也很不錯)。
評分很好讀的一本小書 雖然理念不新鮮瞭 係統起來作checklist也不錯
The Laws of Simplicity 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載