The Search for Modern China 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
5.对“现代”的理解 现代不等于当代,不能把过去托付给“传统”,而把将来交给“后现代”。我倾向于认为在1600年或更早——当然也包括此前的任意时间——就有了上述意义的现代国家。然而,不论是那时,还是二十世纪末,中国都不能算是一个确实的现代国家。 19-20.白银大量流...
评分今天看完了史景迁的《追寻现代中国》,颇有些失望。 这本书大概是史氏中国史系列中最差强人意的一本,远远比不上《皇帝与秀才:皇权游戏中的文人悲剧》等,也许史氏最为擅长的是透过某一个人物和事件来透视整个历史背景,比如写文字狱的《皇帝与秀才》,写太平天国的《...
评分用“追寻”这个字眼,作者其实心里很清楚自己这部著作的定位。这不是一本学术意味很浓的作品(当然也不是作者擅长的领域),是在讲故事。 作者从明末一直讲到97年香港回归,从政治、论述、经济、文化、民生等诸多领域分析对比,从种种纷繁的乱象中梳理出一条清晰的时间脉络。向...
评分1、比较浅显,条理清楚,适合对这段历史不太了解的大多数阅读。 2、让我对“抵制X货”的历史,以及中过民族主义的来龙去脉颇感兴趣。
图书标签: 历史 史景迁 中国历史 海外中国研究 China Spence Jonathan 中国
In this Second Edition of his widely acclaimed history of modern China, Jonathan Spence achieves a fine blend of narrative richness and efficiency. The text is tighter throughout and up-to-date on the most important scholarship in the field. The new discussions in this thorough revision include the extension of imperial power into central Asia by the eighteenth-century emperors, women's literacy and education in the Qing, the early development of Chinese nationalism, the roots of Chinese communism and alternatives to Mao, the early stages of the Great Leap Forward and of the Cultural Revolution. There is a new chapter at the end of the book on economic, cultural, and political developments since 1989. Praised as "a miracle of readability and scholarly authority," (Jonathan Mirsky) The Search for Modern China offers students a matchless introduction to China's history.
评分The style of this 'history book' is unbelievably impressive. Also a very balanced and holistic account of Chinese history. This is one of the best parts of my high school in a small & dense cube.
评分The style of this 'history book' is unbelievably impressive. Also a very balanced and holistic account of Chinese history. This is one of the best parts of my high school in a small & dense cube.
评分Precise history narrated with a insightful thread and a delicate touch. It is the intro book for modern Chinese history. 5 stars, bravo.
评分相要写史记 但是还是略显杂乱
The Search for Modern China 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书