A Beautiful Mind 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
把人们引向艺术和科学的最强烈动机之一是要逃避日常生活中令人厌恶的粗俗和使人绝望的沉闷;是要摆脱人们自己反复无常的欲望桎梏。一个修养有素的人总是渴望逃避个人生活而进入客观知觉和思维的世界。 --叔本华 纳什大概是最切合公众想象的一个科学家了。他聪明绝伦、...
评分Geniuses, are of two kinds: the ones who are just like all of us, but very much more so, and the ones who, apparently, have an ectra human spark. ----------Paul Halmos
评分刚看《美丽心灵》这部电影时就觉得很震撼,现在看原著依然觉得很传奇: 纳什在21岁就拓展了博弈论并发表了毕业论文,证明“不管什么游戏,双方都必然会有各自的最优策略”,但是博弈论当时并未受到关注。 而纳什本人更是一直专心于希望能在数学领域有所建树,但是事与愿违,他...
评分美 丽 心 灵 美 丽 心 灵 最后,当满头华发的纳什走下诺贝尔领奖台,与年至耄耋的妻子拥抱的时候,那三个人形貌依然:小姑娘,大学毕业生,联邦密探---一如三十岁时纳什“初见”“他们”时一样---此时,恍然,知道纳什的精...
图书标签: 传记 英文原版 数学家 美丽心灵 数学 biography 英文 外国文学
How could you, a mathematician, believe that extraterrestrials were sending you messages?" the visitor from Harvard asked the West Virginian with the movie-star looks and Olympian manner. "Because the ideas I had about supernatural beings came to me the same way my mathematical ideas did," came the answer. "So I took them seriously." Thus begins the true story of John Nash, the mathematical genius who was a legend by age thirty when he slipped into madness, and who -- thanks to the selflessness of a beautiful woman and the loyalty of the mathematics community -- emerged after decades of ghostlike existence to win a Nobel Prize and world acclaim. The inspiration for a major motion picture, Sylvia Nasar's award-winning biography is a drama about the mystery of the human mind, triumph over incredible adversity, and the healing power of love.
Nash见到在电影A Beautiful Mind中扮演他的演员Russell Crowe时说,"You're going to have to go through all these transformations!..." 很好奇,Nash有没有读过这本写他的书呢?以及,如果读过了,他会有什么想法呢?
评分前年第一次购买英文阅读书籍, 看完电影版立即入手了一本
A Beautiful Mind 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书