Back after a four-year hiatus, New York Times bestselling author Scott Adams presents an outrageous look at work, home and everyday life in his new book, Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel.
Building on Dilbert's theory that 'All people are idiots', Adams now says, 'All people are idiots. And they are also weasels.' Just ask anyone who worked at Enron.
In this book, Adams takes a look into the Weasel Zone, the giant grey area between good moral behaviour and outright felonious activities. In the Weasel Zone, where most people reside, everything is misleading, but not exactly a lie. Building on his popular comic strip, Adams looks into work, home and everyday life and exposes the way of the weasel for everyone to see. With appearances from all the regular comic strip characters, Adams and Dilbert are at the top of their game - master satirists who expose the truth while making us laugh our heads off.
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領導是很奇怪的動物。司哥特#亞當斯(Scott Adams)說,一隻弱智的大猩猩,喝上十二瓶啤酒,仍然能夠把領導的工作做得八不離十。亞當斯的理論是有一定缺陷的,比如他忘記瞭這些弱智的大猩猩上班的時候是不能喝啤酒的。他們一般捧著咖啡壺,或者大茶杯。有人發現,如果你去驗他...
評分領導是很奇怪的動物。司哥特#亞當斯(Scott Adams)說,一隻弱智的大猩猩,喝上十二瓶啤酒,仍然能夠把領導的工作做得八不離十。亞當斯的理論是有一定缺陷的,比如他忘記瞭這些弱智的大猩猩上班的時候是不能喝啤酒的。他們一般捧著咖啡壺,或者大茶杯。有人發現,如果你去驗他...
評分我基本不看英文書,但隻要我看,一定是看最搞笑的! Weasel中文翻譯會不會是“老油條”更閤適一點。該書作者真真的能稱得上為吐槽達人,對混日子的員工、口惠而實不至的公司領導、各行各業的謊言和人際交往直接的虛僞都有強力諷刺。作為職場新手,我每每看到精彩的金句都忍不...
評分我基本不看英文書,但隻要我看,一定是看最搞笑的! Weasel中文翻譯會不會是“老油條”更閤適一點。該書作者真真的能稱得上為吐槽達人,對混日子的員工、口惠而實不至的公司領導、各行各業的謊言和人際交往直接的虛僞都有強力諷刺。作為職場新手,我每每看到精彩的金句都忍不...
評分我基本不看英文書,但隻要我看,一定是看最搞笑的! Weasel中文翻譯會不會是“老油條”更閤適一點。該書作者真真的能稱得上為吐槽達人,對混日子的員工、口惠而實不至的公司領導、各行各業的謊言和人際交往直接的虛僞都有強力諷刺。作為職場新手,我每每看到精彩的金句都忍不...
圖書標籤: 辦公室 m English Dilbert
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