勞倫斯•E.哈裏森(Lawrence•E. Harrison) 美國塔夫特大學弗萊徹學院文化變革研究所所長,弗萊徹學院高級研究員,講師。1965—1981年間曾領導美國國際開發署(USAID)在多米尼加共和國、哥斯達黎加、危地馬拉、海地以及尼加拉瓜的任務。1981—2001年間在哈佛大學Weatherhead國際事務研究中心、中美洲工商管理學院、麻省理工學院國際研究中心做訪問研究。與薩繆爾•亨廷頓閤編《文化的重要作用:價值觀如何影響人類進步》(2000,中譯本2002年);著有《不發達是一種思想狀態》(1985),《誰富裕瞭?》(1992),《泛美美夢》(1997)等;文章常見於《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》、《華爾街日報》、《波士頓環球報》、《大西洋月刊》、《外交政策》等大量報章雜誌。
Which cultural values, beliefs, and attitudes best promote democracy, social justice, and prosperity? How can we use the forces that shape cultural change, such as religion, child-rearing practices, education, and political leadership, to promote these values in the Third World--and for underachieving minorities in the First World? In this book, Lawrence E. Harrison offers intriguing answers to these questions, in a valuable follow-up to his acclaimed Culture Matters. Drawing on a three-year research project that explored the cultural values of dozens of nations--from Botswana, Sweden, and India to China, Egypt, and Chile--Harrison offers a provocative look at values around the globe, revealing how each nation's culture has propelled or retarded their political and economic progress. The book presents 25 factors that operate very differently in cultures prone to progress and those that resist it, including one's influence over destiny, the importance attached to education, the extent to which people identify with and trust others, and the role of women in society. Harrison pulls no punches, and many of his findings will be controversial. He argues, for example, that Protestantism, Confucianism, and Judaism have been more successful in promoting progress than Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, and Islam. Harrison rejects the Bush administration's doctrine that "the values of freedom are right and true for every person, in every society." Thus nations like Iraq and Afghanistan--where illiteracy, particularly among women, and mistrust are high and traditions of cooperation and compromise are scant--are likely to resist democracy. Most important, the book outlines a series of practical guidelines that developing nations and lagging minority groups can use to enhance their political, social, and economic well-being. Contradicting the arguments of multiculturalists, this book contends that when it comes to promoting human progress, some cultures are clearly more effective than others. It convincingly shows which values, beliefs, and attitudes work and how we can foster them.
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圖書標籤: 自由主義 政治 生活 文化 Truth The Liberal Central
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