Christopher Hibbert, MC, (born 1924) is an English writer and popular historian and biographer.
Born in Leicestershire in 1924, Hibbert was educated at Radley College, before going up to Oriel College at the University of Oxford. He served as an infantry officer in the London Irish Rifles during World War Two, was wounded twice and awarded the Military Cross in 1945.
Christopher Hibbert is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. He is married with two sons and a daughter and lives in Henley-on-Thames.
The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分本来想找的是《美第奇银行的兴衰》,结果找来的是《美第奇家族的兴衰》。直到五分钟前读完这本书,翻出当时的书评想对照一下,才意识到并不是同一本。 四个大章节,大致按照时间顺序叙述了美第奇的十五世纪发家,到十八世纪没落的家族史。第一代的科西莫由银行家而政治家,藉着...
评分 评分疫情期间开始看的书,断断续续读了好几个月。原本冲着大名鼎鼎的甲骨文招牌兴冲冲翻开,可是读完之后只剩下索然无味的苍白。全书好似流水账一般平铺直述,没有什么启发。让我想到了谢耳朵关于只要把历史上发生过的事情背熟就可以去当历史老师了的吐槽。要么是作者写作水平确实...
图书标签: 历史 medici history 文艺复兴 意大利 renaissance 艺术 art
The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici is the achievement of a polished historian who is blessed with an unusual gift for pleasing narrative. Divided into four parts, none of which seems overcrowded in spite of their variety of characters and events, the book is beautifully balanced and proportioned.
This edition is made more enjoyable a read, simply by its artistic binding and physical appearance. It is specially published by the Folio Society London, which was founded in 1947, with the single intention of producing 'editions of the world's great literature in a format worthy of the contents, at a price within the reach of everyman.'
The book is typeset at The Folio Society in Centaur with Arabesque ornaments, and printed on Ibis Wove paper at St. Edmundsbury Press, Bury St Edmunds. It is bound by Hunter & Foulis, Edinburgh, in full Jacquard cloth woven by Van Heek-Scholco, Holland.
The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书