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Bowling Alone


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羅伯特·D. 帕特南(Robert D. Putnam),當代西方著名政治學傢,現任哈佛大學國際事務研究中心主任,肯尼迪政府學院公共政策馬爾林講座教授。他的主要研究領域是政治學、國際政治和公共政策,發錶的著作包括《手拉手:西方七國峰會》、《獨自打保齡:美國社會資本的衰減 》、《讓民主運轉起來》等。

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Few people outside certain scholarly circles had heard the name Robert D. Putnam before 1995. But then this self-described "obscure academic" hit a nerve with a journal article called "Bowling Alone." Suddenly he found himself invited to Camp David, his picture in People magazine, and his thesis at the center of a raging debate. In a nutshell, he argued that civil society was breaking down as Americans became more disconnected from their families, neighbors, communities, and the republic itself. The organizations that gave life to democracy were fraying. Bowling became his driving metaphor. Years ago, he wrote, thousands of people belonged to bowling leagues. Today, however, they're more likely to bowl alone:

Television, two-career families, suburban sprawl, generational changes in values--these and other changes in American society have meant that fewer and fewer of us find that the League of Women Voters, or the United Way, or the Shriners, or the monthly bridge club, or even a Sunday picnic with friends fits the way we have come to live. Our growing social-capital deficit threatens educational performance, safe neighborhoods, equitable tax collection, democratic responsiveness, everyday honesty, and even our health and happiness.

The conclusions reached in the book Bowling Alone rest on a mountain of data gathered by Putnam and a team of researchers since his original essay appeared. Its breadth of information is astounding--yes, he really has statistics showing people are less likely to take Sunday picnics nowadays. Dozens of charts and graphs track everything from trends in PTA participation to the number of times Americans say they give "the finger" to other drivers each year. If nothing else, Bowling Alone is a fascinating collection of factoids. Yet it does seem to provide an explanation for why "we tell pollsters that we wish we lived in a more civil, more trustworthy, more collectively caring community." What's more, writes Putnam, "Americans are right that the bonds of our communities have withered, and we are right to fear that this transformation has very real costs." Putnam takes a stab at suggesting how things might change, but the book's real strength is in its diagnosis rather than its proposed solutions. Bowling Alone won't make Putnam any less controversial, but it may come to be known as a path-breaking work of scholarship, one whose influence has a long reach into the 21st century. --John J. Miller --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Publishers Weekly

"If you don't go to somebody's funeral, they won't come to yours," Yogi Berra once said, neatly articulating the value of social networks. In this alarming and important study, Putnam, a professor of sociology at Harvard, charts the grievous deterioration over the past two generations of the organized ways in which people relate to one another and partake in civil life in the U.S. For example, in 1960, 62.8% of Americans of voting age participated in the presidential election, whereas by 1996, the percentage had slipped to 48.9%. While most Americans still claim a serious "religious commitment," church attendance is down roughly 25%-50% from the 1950s, and the number of Americans who attended public meetings of any kind dropped 40% between 1973 and 1994. Even the once stable norm of community life has shifted: one in five Americans moves once a year, while two in five expect to move in five years. Putnam claims that this has created a U.S. population that is increasingly isolated and less empathetic toward its fellow citizens, that is often angrier and less willing to unite in communities or as a nation. Marshaling a plentiful array of facts, figures, charts and survey results, Putnam delivers his message with verve and clarity. He concludes his analysis with a concise set of potential solutions, such as educational programs, work-based initiatives and funded community-service programs, offering a ray of hope in what he perceives to be a dire situation. Agent, Rafe Sagalyn. 3-city tour; 20-city radio satellite tour. (June)

Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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社會資本,如同物質資本和人力資本一樣,是構成人類社會財富的重要組成部分。社會資本人與人之間互惠互利、關係緊密的交往規範、人際網絡和信任機製。 對於社會資本的衡量和考察切入點,主要從政治參與(政黨)、公民參與(公民組織)、宗教參與(教會)、工作中聯係(協會)、...


帕特南為社會資本列齣的三個主要方麵是規範、網絡,與信任。他在世紀轉摺點看到的美國是一個社會資本日漸衰落的社會。在讀這本書的時候,我時不時地觸碰到一些新鮮的活例,這讓閱讀過程中的思考略顯輕鬆。 一個在美國工作的朋友迴國,一兩年前抱定辭職迴國發展的念頭繼續動搖...  


托剋維爾在《論美國的民主》中描繪過美國人是多麼熱衷結社。“美國人不論年齡多大,不論處於什麼地位,不論誌趣是什麼,無不時時在組織社團。”“人們把自己的力量同自己的同誌的力量聯閤起來共同活動的自由,是僅次於自己活動自由的最自然的自由。” Bowling Alone這本書主要...  



托剋維爾在《論美國的民主》中描繪過美國人是多麼熱衷結社。“美國人不論年齡多大,不論處於什麼地位,不論誌趣是什麼,無不時時在組織社團。”“人們把自己的力量同自己的同誌的力量聯閤起來共同活動的自由,是僅次於自己活動自由的最自然的自由。” Bowling Alone這本書主要...  

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出版者:Touchstone Books by Simon & Schuster
作者:Robert D. Putnam
價格:USD 18.00

圖書標籤: 社會學  Sociology  社會資本  政治學  美國  politics  政治  政治理論   

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Possible rationales of the reduction in social capital upon which Americans used to found, educate, and enrich the fabric of their social lives. The reasons, according to Putnam, are derived from the movement of women into the labor force, increasing mobility, demographic transformations, and the technological transformation of leisure.


Just brilliant.


social capital譯作“人際關係”或者“人脈”會比較好吧。社會資本什麼的,一看就是翻譯腔。


it's a notice for folks who stuck online and don't even bother bowling but constantly blowing with themselves.


畫大餅畫的又圓又漂亮(所有麯綫都能精確下滑),頗有一種看圖說話、指點江山的豪邁氣概。這本書讓我理解到一本糟糕的社會學著作能多麼以偏概全、排列簡單數據進行貿然因果推斷來糊弄人。真不知普特曼和TV是有多大仇,堅持認為經濟壓力、城鄉流動、交通距離(住宅區隔)、大眾傳媒(電視)、和年代差異纔是抹殺瞭社會參與的緣由,邏輯論證那麼簡單真的不會齣錯嗎?未來發展趨勢如何從純跑數據得齣?社群研究那麼大的話題,沒有定性基礎怎麼觀察?社會資本那麼重要的話題,被你在第四部分簡化成它有多麼多麼好,太不厚道(倒是虛擬社會資本很有意思)。第五部分曆史水平不敢恭維,終章時甚至開始瞭“Let 2010..”的呼籲,簡直把我嚇壞瞭。隻畫一塊大餅自圓其說,根本無法讓人滿意。數據很驚人,Appendix值得圍觀 M

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