美国著名文化批评家、乐评人格雷尔•马库斯(Greil Marcus),著有《祸不单行》、《死者猫王》、《唇迹》、《神秘列车》等畅销不衰的音乐文化作品,专栏文章见于美国众多报刊杂志,如《纽约客》、《纽约时代》等。
The Old, Weird America 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
有关Bob Dylan的故事究竟应该听信谁人之口? 是他自己么?在《回忆录——第一卷》(又译《像一块滚石》)中Bob Dylan本人连一句老实话都没有交待,在这个或许真实或许虚构的故事中,Bob Dylan努力想做到的是完成有关民谣英雄的身世解说。是大导演马丁•斯科塞斯么?在纪录片...
评分《Hit轻音乐》杂志书评专稿,转载请注明 历史的车轮以迅驰的速度将我们带出了二十世纪,时光流逝的速度几乎让我们无法认真、仔细地去回忆在那个世纪当中,究竟留存有多少或伟大或微不足道的事迹以供后世讲述。但不管怎样,如果我们对美国文化史有所了解或是试图有所了解,那么...
评分这是时间浓缩的精华: 每一词句都不容错过, 每一词句都在发酵生长, 每一词句后面都是一间屋子, 每一词句都是斑驳的叠加……
评分这是一本令人很开窍的书,一下子让我找到了那个之所以喜欢一首歌或一个民谣歌手而不喜欢另一个的一直存在却没有真正能让我清晰地说出来的东西。当我读到一下这段话的时候,各种感官为之一亮: “《答案在风中》,是一个关于现在与未来的故事,他把整个价值观的混杂...
图书标签: BobDylan 摇滚 音乐 theOld,WeirdAmerica Greil_Marcus 英文原版 艺术与音乐 传记
Previously published as Invisible Republic and already considered a classic of modern American cultural criticism , The Old, Weird America is Greil Marcus's widely acclaimed book on the secret music (the so-called "Basement Tapes") made by Bob Dylan and the Band while in seclusion in Woodstock, New York, in 1967--a folksy yet funky, furious yet hilarious music that remains as seductive and baffling today as it was more than thirty years ago.
As Mark Sinker observed in The Wire : "Marcus's contention is that there can be found in American folk a community as deep, as electric, as perverse, and as conflicted as all America, and that the songs Dylan recorded out of the public eye, in a basement in Woodstock, are where that community as a whole gets to speak." But the country mapped out in this book, as Bruce Shapiro wrote in The Nation , "is not Woody Guthrie's land for made for you and me . . . It's what Marcus calls 'the old, weird America.'" This odd terrain, this strange yet familiar backdrop to our common cultural history--which Luc Sante (in New York magazine) termed the "playground of God, Satan, tricksters, Puritans, confidence men, illuminati, braggarts, preachers, anonymous poets of all stripes"--is the territory that Marcus has discovered in Dyaln's most mysterious music. And his analysis of that territory "reads like a thriller" (Ken Tucker, Entertainment Weekly ) and exhibits "a mad, sparkling brilliance" (David Remnick, The New Yorker ) throughout. This new edition of The Old, Weird America includes an updated discography.
The Old, Weird America 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书