米爾頓•弗裏德曼(Milton Friedman,1912-2006),美國經濟學傢,以研究宏觀經濟學、微觀經濟學、經濟史、統計學以及主張自由放任資本主義而聞名。1976年被授予諾貝爾經濟學奬,以錶揚他在消費分析、貨幣供應理論及曆史,以及穩定政策復雜性等範疇的貢獻,被譽為20世紀最重要的經 濟學傢之一。
安娜•J. 施瓦茨(Anna J. Schwartz,1915—2012),美國經濟史學傢,美國國民經濟研究局高級研究員。
Writing in the June 1965 issue of the "Economic Journal", Harry G. Johnson begins with a sentence seemingly calibrated to the scale of the book he set himself to review: 'The long-awaited "Monetary History of the United States" by Friedman and Schwartz is in every sense of the term a monumental scholarly achievement - monumental in its sheer bulk, monumental in the definitiveness of its treatment of innumerable issues, large and small ...monumental, above all, in the theoretical and statistical effort and ingenuity that have been brought to bear on the solution of complex and subtle economic issues'.Friedman and Schwartz marshaled massive historical data and sharp analytics to support the claim that monetary policy - steady control of the money supply - matters profoundly in the management of the nation's economy, especially in navigating serious economic fluctuations. In their influential chapter 7, "The Great Contraction" - which Princeton published in 1965 as a separate paperback - they address the central economic event of the century, the Depression. According to Hugh Rockoff, writing in January 1965: 'If Great Depressions could be prevented through timely actions by the monetary authority (or by a monetary rule), as Friedman and Schwartz had contended, then the case for market economies was measurably stronger.' Milton Friedman won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2000 for work related to "A Monetary History " as well as to his other Princeton University Press book, "A Theory of the Consumption Function" (1957).
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評分如果把知識分為已知和未知兩類的話,人唯一能采取的途徑隻是已知到未知,已知到已知是多此一舉,未知到未知和未知到已知則都是荒謬瞭,而所謂已知一定是和“過去”無法分割的,從這個意義上,所有學科在研究的,無外乎是曆史。 從學經濟的一本教材就接觸到瞭這本書,還記得曼昆...
評分去年研究瞭兩個月怎麼在美國卓越把這書的原版買到,當時一直在研究是辦張建行的卡還是辦招行的一卡通,然後就是過年,然後就是開學,開學後到書店逛,很偶然間看大這書,奶奶的,還真的就是弗裏德曼學究天人的這本,沒說的,拿下,居然打瞭八摺。 正在啃中~~~~~~~~~~~
評分去年下半年剛開始讀的時候,感覺不是通俗讀物,應該是教科書級彆的吧,希望能短時間內可以讀完。可是讀瞭一百來頁就放棄瞭。 後來先去讀完瞭《力挽狂瀾 保羅沃爾剋和他改變的金融世界》,立馬覺得可以繼續這本書瞭,為瞭提起進一步的興趣,我還是先讀瞭《十年輪迴 從亞洲到全球...
圖書標籤: 貨幣史 金融 經濟學 弗裏德曼 MiltonFriedman 經濟 曆史 economics
評分Put your hand on this book and swear to the god of monetarism.
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