Robert J. Shiller is the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics at Yale University. He is author of "The New Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century" (Princeton) and "Market Volatility and Macro Markets", which won the 1996 Paul A. Samuelson Award.
This first edition of this book was a broad study, drawing on a wide range of published research and historical evidence, of the enormous stock market boom that started around 1982 and picked up incredible speed after 1995. Although it took as its specific starting point this ongoing boom, it placed it in the context of stock market booms generally, and it also made concrete suggestions regarding policy changes that should be initiated in response to this and other such booms. The book argued that the boom represents a speculative bubble, not grounded in sensible economic fundamentals. Part one of the book considered structural factors behind the boom. A list of twelve precipitating factors that appear to be its ultimate causes was given. Amplification mechanisms, naturally-occurring Ponzi processes, that enlarge the effects of these precipitating factors, were described. Part Two discussed cultural factors, the effects of the news media, and of "new era" economic thinking. Part Three discussed psychological factors, psychological anchors for the market and herd behavior. Part Four discussed attempts to rationalize exuberance: efficient markets theory and theories that investors are learning. Part Five presented policy options and actions that should be taken. The second edition, 2005, added an analysis of the real estate bubble as similar to the stock market bubble that preceded it, and warned that "Significant further rises in these markets could lead, eventually, to even more significant declines. The bad outcome could be that eventual declines would result in a substantial increase in the rate of personal bankruptcies, which could lead to a secondary string of bankruptcies of financial institutions as well. Another long-run consequence could be a decline in consumer and business confidence, and another, possibly worldwide, recession." Thus, the second edition of this book was among the first to warn of the global financial crisis that began with the subprime mortgage debacle in 2007
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不僅僅是因為它在暢銷書排行榜上赫赫有名,更是因為想在金融危機的背景下看看希勒對於市場的現實主義看法,我選擇瞭讀《非理性繁榮》這本書。 在《非理性繁榮》一書中,作者通篇用大量研究數據和通篇的新聞、資料等證明說明瞭在不同時期股票市場和資本市場的非理性的繁榮狀態,...
評分Robert Shiller的《非理性繁榮》由普林斯頓大學齣版社齣版於2000年3月,令他憂心忡忡的韆禧年狂熱正處於曆史最高點。然而恰恰正是在這個月,沒過多久,美股市場突然發生巨震,泡沫破裂,道瓊斯指數在短短幾周之內由曆史最高點11700下跌瞭近20%,納斯達剋指數在隨後一月...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 金融 Finance 經濟 經濟學 IrrationalExuberate Economics Shiller CFA
評分聽著席勒的Econ116,順便也看瞭看他2001年唱空故事、樓市的書,果然和聽他本人講課一個路數,喋喋絮絮的段子瞭麵講道理,而自己不顯示齣過多的感情,學者風範之餘有些《紐約客》式的冷幽默,。不過這本書不如《Animal Spirits》寫得好,太貼近“唱空市場”,雖然羅列數據、新聞、曆史,但不如前者對於市場中普通人的心理學、非理性總結、分析得那麼深刻。
評分OK,Not as well articulated as The Animal Spirits by Shiller and Akerlof
評分四點床上驚醒,遂看完最後一點。貌似緣起緣滅就是這本書~據說席勒童鞋在Yale被學生罷課,隻想說熊孩子的爸媽還真這麼厲害瞭,Skull & Bones…還有溜達哈佛,可見Porcellian Club那幢樓以及豬頭標誌,還有各地會所…所以非理性繁榮,這種繁榮隻是對少數人而言的…人類本性隻要尚存,泡沫就接著有,市場永遠是非理性的,所以我對某些市場還是持有樂觀態度,某些持有悲觀情緒…
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