John Resig is a programmer and entrepreneur who's been developing web applications for over 8 years. Having primarily focused on backend development for most of that time, using Perl and mySQL, John changed his focus towards implementing usable web front-ends.
He holds a degree in Computer Science from Rochester Institute of Technology and has published several papers on data mining Instant Messaging networks.
When he's not programming, he enjoys watching movies, writing in his web log (, and spending time with his girlfriend.
Pro JavaScript Techniques 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
学习JavaScript不久,很多JavaScript的核心概念都不怎么了解,对JacaScript的认知基本都是从W3C上面学到的,多是一些基本的语法。然后从图书馆借来JavaScript基础来看了下,很多内容都是懂得,于是自以为JavaScript的内容大致都已经了解了,只待应用了。 看了这本...
评分半年前,当我对JavaScript还停留在只认识这几个字母的时候(again, XD),我在寻找学习JavaScript的学习途经,jQuery无意闯入我的眼帘,我惊叹于它的小巧和易理解性,在我还不懂JavaScript基本语法的时候,我已经能用它做很多对我来说是不可思议的事情。由此也认识了它的作者...
评分Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript book for today's web developer. It provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript, and teaches you what JavaScript can do for your web sites. This book doesn't waste any time looking at thin...
评分如果你想深入学习JS,而不是遇到问题就去搜别人的代码;如果你想亲自开发一个JS框架,而不采用拿来主义。这本由jQuery作者John Resig写的书一定适合你。
评分所谓文笔,并不是前阵子韩寒评论巴金冰心等人的“文笔”,只是说作者在讲解知识,分析问题的时候,不够流畅清晰。 当然,这是相对于《ppk谈javascript》这本书而言的。我是读完ppk的书再买了这一本,因为前者说是初级的,后者是高级的。但是感觉,读完ppk的书,收获更多些...
图书标签: javascript web JavaScript 编程 web开发 ajax Programming web技术
Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript book for the modern web developer. It provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript, and shows what JavaScript can do for your web sites. This book doesn't waste any time looking at things you already know, like basic syntax and structures.
Expert web developer and author John Resig concentrates on fundamental, vital topics--what modern JavaScripting is (and isn't), the current state of browser support, and pitfalls to be wary of. The book is organized into four sections:
Modern JavaScript development--using JavaScript the object-oriented way, creating reusable code, plus testing and debugging
DOM scripting--updating content and styles, plus events, and effect and event libraries
Ajax--how Ajax works, overcoming problems, and using libraries to speed up development of Ajax applications
The future of JavaScript--looking at cutting edge topics like JSON, HTML 5, and more
All concepts are backed up by real-world examples and case studies, and John provides numerous reusable functions and classes to save you time in your development. There are also up-to-date reference appendixes for the DOM, events, browser support (including IE7), and frameworks--so you can look up specific details quickly and easily.
评分虽然是 5 年之前的书,但仍然非常清楚的讲述了一些基本的道理,让我这个一直以来的 JS 盲对 JS 里面的面向对象有了初步的认识。
Pro JavaScript Techniques 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书