勞倫斯·A.康納斯是tradingmarkets.com網站的創辦人和首席執行官,在金融市場有將近20年的從業經驗。他1981年加入美林公司(Merrill Lvnch),開始瞭自己的經紀人生涯:1994年從帝傑公司(Donaldsor、Lufkinand Jenrette)的副總裁位置離職,創辦瞭兩傢金融市場信息公司:他還是四本暢銷書的作者,這四本書分彆是《康納斯談高級交易策略》、《華爾街智慧》、《一個對衝基金經理的投資秘密》和《用康納斯的VIX反轉做交易》。
Among the methods you will be taught are:
* Swing Trading - The backbone of Linda's success. Not only will you learn exactly how to swing trade, you will also learn specific advanced techniques never before made public!
* News - Among the strategies revealed is an intra-day news strategy they use to exploit the herd when the 8:30am economic reports are released. This strategy will be especially appreciated by bond traders and currency traders.
* Pattern Recognition - You will learn some of the best short-term set-up patterns available. Larry and Linda will also teach you how they combine these patterns with other strategies to identify explosive moves.
* ADX - In our opinion, ADX is one of the most powerful and misunderstood indicators available to traders. Now, for the first time, they reveal a handful of short-term trading strategies they use in conjunction with this terrific indicator.
* Volatility - You will learn how to identify markets that are about to explode and how to trade these exciting situations.
* Also, included are chapters on trading volatility, trading Crabel, trading the smart money index, trading gap reversals, a special chapter on professional money management, and many other trading strategies!
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Business Term: street smarts Intuitive intelligence or reasoning power not gained by formal education.
評分第一次看到,有人能把一個交易係統的入場點,止損點,齣場點寫得這麼清楚的書; 雖然書中有太多的描述是針對短綫操作人員的,但該書的編寫方式太對我胃口瞭; 希望能再一次看到類似寫法的書籍 第一次看到,有人能把一個交易係統的入場點,止損點,齣場點寫得這麼清楚的書; 雖...
評分匯聚瞭20種交易思路和方法的好書,熟練其中一種便可交易為生! 好多人整天“道來道去”,很可悲,連術都沒有還道什麼道!鄙視! 賺錢秘訣就是擁有勝率,移動盈虧,止盈齣局,重復10000次就是專傢! 讓傑西、剋羅那些大師去見鬼吧,持有倉位到反轉是站著說話不腰疼! 真正的專傢...
評分Business Term: street smarts Intuitive intelligence or reasoning power not gained by formal education.
圖書標籤: 交易係統 交易 股票 金融 投資 英文原版 金融技術 期貨
Street Smarts 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載