桃樂絲·庫姆森(Dorothy Koomson)為非裔英國人,十三歲時就寫瞭第一本小說《愛恨一綫間》(There's A Thin Line Between Love And Hate),在教會學校的同學間傳閱,引起轟動,也埋下日後持續寫作的種子。而後在利茲大學攻讀心理學與公共媒體學位,並赴倫敦大學深造,獲得新聞碩士學位。畢業後主編女性雜誌,也替報章媒體寫稿。
2003年發錶處女作《丘比特效應》(The Cupid Effect),獲得極佳的評價,從此展開小說傢生涯。作者擅於描寫都會單身女子的內心世界,筆觸尖刻幽默,生活細膩之處總教人忍不住動容,引起深刻的共鳴。
When Kamryn Ryn Matika gets a call from college friend Adele Del Brannon, she reluctantly heads to the hospital where Adele is dying of cancer. The two had been odd couple friends (working-class Ryn is black, posh Adele is white) while attending Leeds University, but their friendship did not survive Del's admission of an affair with Ryn's fiancé Nate Turner, which also ended Ryn's relationship with Nate. The affair did result, however, in the now-five-year-old Tegan, and Del has called Ryn to ask her to adopt the adorable girl. Ryn agrees, but must face down Del's stepmother, Muriel, to do it. She finds surprising help from new boss Luke Wiseman, who, after meeting her unceremoniously, loves Tegan (and eventually Ryn, too), but the return of Nate, who doesn't know Tegan is his daughter, promises to reopen old wounds. Koomson's U.S. debut is a three-hankie delight.
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有一堆書在waiting list裏排隊,但不管我抱著怎樣堅定得去改變閱讀範圍與主題類型的決心,手還是會習慣性得首先伸嚮這本期盼已久的書——《我的孤兒寶貝》,一本很容易被歸類為女性小說(chick-lit)或者感性文學(heart-lit)的書,一本用文學的手指輕撫心弦的書。 兩女爭一...
評分 評分 評分沒有說教的色彩,沒有勵誌的成分,也沒有絲毫的批判與辯解,這是一個純粹的關於愛的故事,來得麯摺,甚至讓人微微疼痛。仿佛是偶然中的一次選擇,卻帶來瞭生命必然的救贖。但願這來之不易的愛與幸福,能像早春三月的驕陽,明媚一生
評分泰根是個人見人愛的女孩,至少書裏是這麼寫的~~鮮亮的發帶精緻的五官描寫的活靈活現。可能泰根本身也沒有那麼完美,可是因為凱梅玲對她無限的愛,美化瞭泰根的形象~~~溫馨無私的愛,是每一個孩子夢想擁有的愛吧。 隻是凱梅玲在處理感情問題上,好像就有點拖遝瞭。不管是奈德還...
圖書標籤: 英國 小說 外國文學 英文原版 fiction 英文 愛情 親情
評分what would u do if u were her?
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