Celebrated for his brilliantly quirky insights into the physical world, Nobel laureate Richard Feynman also possessed an extraordinary talent for explaining difficult concepts to the general public. Here, Feynman provides a classic and definitive introduction to QED (namely quantum electrodynamics), that part of quantum field theory describing the interactions of light with charged particles. Using everyday language, spatial concepts, visualizations, and his renowned "Feynman diagrams" instead of advanced mathematics, Feynman clearly and humorously communicates both the substance and spirit of QED to the layperson. A. Zee's new introduction places both Feynman's book and his seminal contribution to QED in historical context and further highlights Feynman's uniquely appealing and illuminating style.
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QED,量子電動力學,聽這名字就裝逼到瞭極緻,並且對於大多數人來說,光看這個裝逼的名字,肯定就望而卻步瞭! 隻要是接觸量子力學有關的書,那肯定免不瞭接觸到QED這個名詞,我也是齣於好奇,就想買本書看看QED到底是個什麼玩意。說到這東西,入門的話,肯定選擇...
評分 評分QED,講述瞭光子的運動、電子的運動與光子 電子的相互作用。此外,最後一章講述瞭QCD。 一開篇以部分反射為例,講述瞭光子的運動特性。光以粒子的特性運動,運動規律不再遵循經典力學中,某一時刻位於某一位置的規律;而是以波函數錶示的。費曼采用的小箭頭運算的方法明晰錶達...
評分高中數學物理水平就能讀懂的漂亮科普。 而且作者本人的風格也極具魅力。 太棒瞭,所以沒法說的更多。
圖書標籤: 物理 量子力學 量子電動力學7 Physics 英文 科普 Science Physics,
評分"ultra-difficult popular science book"其實沒那麼ultra,費曼的功力深厚,講得很清楚
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