企業傢、作傢、演講傢,用戶體驗管理先鋒公司Coradiant聯閤創始人。曾花大量時間研究各種規模的組織如何使用數據做齣優良決策、加速創業過程。他職業生涯的大部分時間都是技術公司的産品經理,是O'Reilly Strata、TechWeb Cloud Connect、Interop企業雲計算峰會、International Startup Festival(國際創業節)等5個國際知名技術大會的主要發起人。
目前擔任廣受歡迎的二手貨買賣應用VarageSale(http://varagesale.com)産品管理副總,主要負責Web和移動平颱的産品開發。他是Standout Jobs和Year One Labs公司聯閤創始人,曾積極指導眾多創業公司和其他加速器項目。他創辦瞭以精益創業、産品管理、創業公司和企業傢精神為主題的博客Instigator Blog(http://www.instigatorblog.com),並定期在創業會議上演講。他也是天使投資人、連續創業者,具有15年以上的互聯網産品運營經驗。
If you're involved with a startup, analytics help you find your way to the right product and market before the money runs out. But with a flood of information available, where do you start? This book shows you what to measure, how to analyze it, and how to report it, whether you're evaluating your business model, testing new features, enticing investors, or reporting progress to advisers. Written by Alistair Croll (founder of Coradiant) and Ben Yoskovitz (co-founder of Year One Labs), Lean Analytics lays out practical, proven steps to take your startup from initial idea to product/market fit and beyond. Examples and case studies show entrepreneurs and intrapreneneurs (entrepreneurs inside larger organizations) how to identify and measure a startup's single most important metric, and how to iterate until you get it right. While the authors primarily cover technology startups, their lessons can be applied far beyond the Web. Even traditional businesses are embracing a lean, learn-first approach, as demonstrated by owners of a San Francisco deli that used a temporary "pop-up" method to optimize their menu and operations before launching a permanent restaurant.
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薦書|《精益數據分析》 豆瓣8.2分 這是一本關於什麼的書? 我買這本書的本意是想補強一下自己關於數據分析的能力。本以為這會是一本通篇都是計算公式和excel操作的實操大全。但是當我花瞭不到2周時間讀完後發現,這本書不僅僅是一本關於數據分析的書,更是一本關於“精益創業”...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 數據分析 商業 互聯網 創業 精益創業 産品 Lean 精益方法論
東拼西湊多有藉鑒,但案例部分是根據産品類型來劃分的,最近正好在研究 UGC 所以把 UGC 部分認真看瞭一遍,還是略有啓發的。
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