Onur Cinar has over 17 years of experience in design, development, and management of large scale complex software projects, primarily in mobile and telecommunication space. His expertise spans VoIP, video communication, mobile applications, grid computing, and networking technologies on diverse platforms. He has been actively working with Android platform since its beginning. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA, United States. He is currently working at Skype as the Sr. Product Engineering Manager for Skype client on Android platform
Android is one of the major players in the mobile phone market. Android is a mobile platform that is built on the top of Linux operating system. The native-code support on Android offers endless opportunities to application developers, not limited the functionality that is provided by Android framework. Pro Android C++ with the NDK Native Development Kit) is an advanced tutorial and professional reference for today's more sophisticated app developers now porting, developing or employing C++ and other native code to integrate into the Android platform to run more graphically intense apps, more sophisticated game apps and better performing apps in general.
Introduces the Android platform, and getting up to speed with the Android NDK, and exploring the APIs that are provided in native space.
Gives an overview of Java Native Interface (JNI), native multithreading, the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), and NEON/SIMD optimization from an advanced perspective, with tips and recommendations.
Using a native-code (C/C++) game app case study, this book explores tools for troubleshooting, debugging, analyzing memory issues, unit testing, unit test code coverage, performance measurement, on native applications, as well as integrating the Android NDK toolchain into existing Autoconf, Makefile, CMake, or JAM based build systems.
What you’ll learn
What is the Android platform, and getting up to speed with the Android NDK
What are the Android NDK APIs including Native Activity support, OpenGL ES, OpenSL ES, OpenMAX AL, JNI Graphics, and Sensor APIs.
How to use Java Native Interface (JNI), Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) to automatically generate the JNI code to connect native-code to the Java world.
What are and how to use C++ and the Standard Template Library (STL)
How to do multithreading through POSIX Threads How to optimize code through NEON/SIMD, compiler vectorization, and intrinsics
How to debug through GDB, DDD, and the Eclipse Debugger How to analyze memory through Valgrind, Electric Fence, Memwatch, YAMC
How to measure App performance through GProf
How to do unit testing and code coverage through GCov
How to use and integrate the Android NDK toolchain into existing build systems such as Autoconf, Makefiles, CMake, and JAM
Who this book is for
This book is for software professionals who are interested in leveraging the Android NDK to port their existing native-code app, such as C++, to the Android platform, as well as existing Android developers who are interested in improving their apps overall performance by utilizing native-code.
Pro Android C++ with the NDK 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
國內的書籍大部分還是停留在4.0以前的非holo主題界麵的demo。這本書雖然是2012年左右寫好的。但是已經足夠新。 本書其實算是一個Guideline.讓你從Java到JNI到C/C++有個很好的引導性的例子。 歸根結底其實就是Linux c編程。然後套一層JNI。正因為如此,如果你C/C++功底相當不...
評分國內的書籍大部分還是停留在4.0以前的非holo主題界麵的demo。這本書雖然是2012年左右寫好的。但是已經足夠新。 本書其實算是一個Guideline.讓你從Java到JNI到C/C++有個很好的引導性的例子。 歸根結底其實就是Linux c編程。然後套一層JNI。正因為如此,如果你C/C++功底相當不...
評分感覺NDK從android 2.1開始到現在變化好大,貌似09年google IO那時候android team的工程師還說, 我不認為我們需要再繼續擴大對native code的支持瞭, JNI已經可以做任何事情 blablablabla ^_^ google對於支持的C/C++庫不是照搬全收, 也許是齣於少而精的原因覺得沒那必要, ...
評分國內的書籍大部分還是停留在4.0以前的非holo主題界麵的demo。這本書雖然是2012年左右寫好的。但是已經足夠新。 本書其實算是一個Guideline.讓你從Java到JNI到C/C++有個很好的引導性的例子。 歸根結底其實就是Linux c編程。然後套一層JNI。正因為如此,如果你C/C++功底相當不...
評分國內的書籍大部分還是停留在4.0以前的非holo主題界麵的demo。這本書雖然是2012年左右寫好的。但是已經足夠新。 本書其實算是一個Guideline.讓你從Java到JNI到C/C++有個很好的引導性的例子。 歸根結底其實就是Linux c編程。然後套一層JNI。正因為如此,如果你C/C++功底相當不...
圖書標籤: Android NDK C++ 計算機 編程 android Pro with
Pro Android C++ with the NDK 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載