Route 312 is the Chinese Route 66. It flows three thousand miles from east to west, passing through the factory towns of the coastal areas, through the rural heart of China, then up into the Gobi Desert, where it merges with the Old Silk Road. The highway witnesses every part of the social and economic revolution that is turning China upside down.
In this utterly surprising and deeply personal book, acclaimed National Public Radio reporter Rob Gifford, a fluent Mandarin speaker, takes the dramatic journey along Route 312 from its start in the boomtown of Shanghai to its end on the border with Kazakhstan. Gifford reveals the rich mosaic of modern Chinese life in all its contradictions, as he poses the crucial questions that all of us are asking about China: Will it really be the next global superpower? Is it as solid and as powerful as it looks from the outside? And who are the ordinary Chinese people, to whom the twenty-first century is supposed to belong?
Gifford is not alone on his journey. The largest migration in human history is taking place along highways such as Route 312, as tens of millions of people leave their homes in search of work. He sees signs of the booming urban economy everywhere, but he also uncovers many of the country’s frailties, and some of the deep-seated problems that could derail China’s rise.
The whole compelling adventure is told through the cast of colorful characters Gifford meets: garrulous talk-show hosts and ambitious yuppies, impoverished peasants and tragic prostitutes, cell-phone salesmen, AIDS patients, and Tibetan monks. He rides with members of a Shanghai jeep club, hitchhikes across the Gobi desert, and sings karaoke with migrant workers at truck stops along the way.
As he recounts his travels along Route 312, Rob Gifford gives a face to what has historically, for Westerners, been a faceless country and breathes life into a nation that is so often reduced to economic statistics. Finally, he sounds a warning that all is not well in the Chinese heartlands, that serious problems lie ahead, and that the future of the West has become inextricably linked with the fate of 1.3 billion Chinese people.
“Informative, delightful, and powerfully moving . . . Rob Gifford’s acute powers of observation, his sense of humor and adventure, and his determination to explore the wrenching dilemmas of China’s explosive development open readers’ eyes and reward their minds.”
–Robert A. Kapp, president, U.S.-China Business Council, 1994-2004
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China Road: A Journey into the Future of the Rising Power It is a bit strange to find Rob Gifford’s China Road in the travel section of my local bookshop. Route 312, where the author traveled from end to end, is not exact your typical tourist route. Nor i...
評分美國全國公共廣播電颱(NPR)駐華記者Rob Gifford即將調離崗位,美國的編輯問他是否願意去耶路撒冷做記者。他考慮許久後說,算瞭。那個時候,他已經預計到,在耶路撒冷報道巴以衝突將會是在一個循環反復的百年故事裏打轉。他告訴他的編輯,中國,相較之下,她的故事有一種綫性...
評分Personally my deep love of this sentence makes it an intrinsic part of myself, and so does the author. But, still, I can not see the connection of this citation to the whole book. It is glued at the front and rear of the passage, but not being vivified. Ro...
評分引人入勝的行文,有趣而不同的視角,去年在網上聽過他為NPR做的播報,現在纔不經意間看到他這本書。拿到之後從晚飯一直讀,讀到第二天早上6點鍾纔讀完-這就是所謂拿起來放不下的那種讀物。 喜歡他的英式冷幽默,經常讓人在沉重的閱讀之間忍俊不禁。 隻是對他在文中錶現齣的很...
評分這本書是一位住中國多年的英國記者Rob Gifford在離開中國前,根據他兩次沿312國道從東嚮西橫穿中國大陸的經曆所寫成的。心愛的姑娘介紹我看這本書時,說她從一個外國人的眼中,又重新瞭解瞭一次自己的祖國,感慨萬韆。看完這本書後我也有同感。 312國道東起上海,西止於中國哈...
圖書標籤: 中國 China 社會 中國研究 RobGifford 中國見聞 travel 旅遊
評分作為NPR記者視角還是較Moderate的比如T族問題~但廣播通訊員到底視野和功底差些…當特寫受訪太單一轉述太多記錄太少多一麵之詞,作non-fiction呢功課沒做足(曆朝不說清朝西進也該是康熙而非乾隆始吧) ~自己東西很多但又淺嘗輒止,作為匆匆過客對現實很難深入(如U人就業不平等問題的原因)但又好價值判斷…於是紀實瞭無新意止於錶麵而思考又顯膚淺幼稚瞭……偏見也是有尤其新疆部分 仿佛那隻是U的新疆而不是哈薩剋等族的新疆似的何況韆年前彆說U的identity瞭連突厥化都還沒開始呢好麼 至於在民族聚居區立minority雕像就成瞭漢人"想象的主題公園瞭"麼? 強調買/賣都是漢/U人也很不明所以來的=。=當然語言比較詼諧中文的英譯很不錯~
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