Haruki Murakami (村上春樹, Murakami Haruki?, born January 12, 1949) is a popular contemporary Japanese writer and translator.[1] His work has been described by the Virginia Quarterly Review as "easily accessible, yet profoundly complex."
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
村上的书总是给我慢慢下陷的感觉,阅读时候没有思考而言,至少对我是如此,完全被动地接收,不去用主观意识想象接下去如何发展才算合理,直至结尾“村上春树年谱”映入眼帘,才恍然脱离他的意识控制,恩,故事结束了。再往下,合理的情节该是也只能是接上自己的想象了。 《世界...
评分读完《世界尽头与冷酷仙境》,我觉得,自己这才算真服了村上春树。 看看他怎么写“胖”吧,极诱人的胖:主人公“我”第一次遇见天才教授的孙女“胖女郎”,跟在人家后面边走边打量“她的脖颈、手腕和腿脚”,“身体胖墩墩地全是肉,仿佛夜里落了一层无声的厚雪。”用“厚雪”...
评分读完《世界尽头与冷酷仙境》,我觉得,自己这才算真服了村上春树。 看看他怎么写“胖”吧,极诱人的胖:主人公“我”第一次遇见天才教授的孙女“胖女郎”,跟在人家后面边走边打量“她的脖颈、手腕和腿脚”,“身体胖墩墩地全是肉,仿佛夜里落了一层无声的厚雪。”用“厚雪”...
评分村上春树所有书里,我个人感情最爱这本。这是一本挺难理解的书,我还是不敢相信这是本畅销书。如果不是村上春树写的而是一个新人写的,鬼才会那么多人去买这么一本晦涩的书。这大概就是所谓江湖地位? 林少华在译序里面说到,世界尽头是心,这点人人都看得懂,但是冷酷仙境是什...
图书标签: 村上春树 HarukiMurakami 日本 英文版 小说 村上春樹 日本文学 Murakami
A narrative particle accelerator that zooms between Wild Turkey Whiskey and Bob Dylan, unicorn skulls and voracious librarians, John Coltrane and Lord Jim. Science fiction, detective story and post-modern manifesto all rolled into one rip-roaring novel, Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World is the tour de force that expanded Haruki Murakami's international following. Tracking one man's descent into the Kafkaesque underworld of contemporary Tokyo, Murakami unites East and West, tragedy and farce, compassion and detachment, slang and philosophy. The result is a wildly inventive fantasy and a meditation on the many uses of the mind. (20021018)
评分I would choose the end of world,too.
评分双线叙事。跟着村上听歌读书系列。然而陀氏脑残粉不可能记不得卡拉马佐夫三兄弟的名字。我的世界尽头大概是小马利亚吧!his emotional shell is too thick.
评分I love love love this book. Wonderful story about conciousness and self. Not much resemblance to das Schloß as far as I'm concerned (one time I thought it had something to do with dystopia but later decided it's probably not the author's real intention). Great two-way mapping between the storylines and characters.
评分双线叙事。跟着村上听歌读书系列。然而陀氏脑残粉不可能记不得卡拉马佐夫三兄弟的名字。我的世界尽头大概是小马利亚吧!his emotional shell is too thick.
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书