伍迪·艾倫(Woody Allen,1935- ),
“I am greatly relieved that the universe is finally explainable. I was beginning to think it was me.”–Woody Allen
Here, in his first collection since his three hilarious classics Getting Even, Without Feathers, and Side Effects, Woody Allen has managed to write a book that not only answers the most profound questions of human existence but is the perfect size to place under any short table leg to prevent wobbling.
“I awoke Friday, and because the universe is expanding it took me longer than usual to find my robe,” he explains in a piece on physics called “Strung Out.” In other flights of inspirational sanity we are introduced to a cast of characters only Allen could imagine: Jasper Nutmeat, Flanders Mealworm, and the independent film mogul E. Coli Biggs, just to name a few. Whether he is writing about art, sex, food, or crime (“Pugh has been a policeman as far back as he can remember. His father was a notorious bank robber, and the only way Pugh could get to spend time with him was to apprehend him”) he is explosively funny.
In “This Nib for Hire,” a Hollywood bigwig comes across an author’s book in a little country store and describes it in a way that aptly captures this magnificent volume: “Actually,” the producer says, “I’d never seen a book remaindered in the kindling section before.”
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彆不多說,摘抄幾句: P1 氣喘籲籲之中,我的生活,像書中的花邊插圖,連成惆悵的一串,從眼前閃過。幾個月前,我發現,自己快給海嘯般的垃圾郵件淹沒瞭。每天早上,吃完熏魚,這些信就從門上的信孔裏傾瀉而入。 P17 後來,我醒瞭過來,周圍一片漆黑。車不停地顛簸,一定...
評分不知道作者伍迪艾倫還是那個善諷刺的伍迪艾倫嗎? 這本諷刺社會的集子裏的故事,在我看來完全是我天朝上國每日發生的真實故事。 瘋癲偏執的靈修。空洞的傲慢討厭推銷員。自以為是的製片人。氣量狹小多疑的雇主。瘋狂偏執追求美食的上流社會。等等。 故事的驚悚誇張程度,真比不...
評分以前隻是聽說伍迪艾倫式導演,電影如何文藝,看瞭他的書,覺得此人確實有纔華,連寫的書都這麼有趣。 是的,豐富的想象力,天馬行空,非常有趣,嘲諷意味很濃。 我隨便摘錄瞭伍迪艾倫的一些文章內容: “幾個月前,我發現,自己快給海嘯般的垃圾郵件淹沒瞭。” “另有一種...
評分大概是前年第一次讀到Allen的書, 無羽無毛。《without feathers》。我簡直懷疑翻譯在亂翻。 但是讀完之後你會覺得挺好完的,那種思維,真的不是一般人有的。不知道他的思維就是這樣的,還是故意為之。 進來整理《without feathers》的讀書筆記時,覺得可以再拜讀一下他其它的...
圖書標籤: WoodyAllen Woody_Allen 隨筆 諷刺 歐美文學 英文原版 美國文學 美國
老頭子這種在復雜和簡單之間收放自如的勁兒其他人還真的比不瞭,真是ridiculously profound and profoundly ridiculous得登峰造極。建議現在的父母都看看the rejection那篇,以及thus ate Zarathustra還有disney trial這兩篇真是笑die我。
評分I gotta admit that essays from the New Yorker magazine aren't really my thing.
評分老頭子這種在復雜和簡單之間收放自如的勁兒其他人還真的比不瞭,真是ridiculously profound and profoundly ridiculous得登峰造極。建議現在的父母都看看the rejection那篇,以及thus ate Zarathustra還有disney trial這兩篇真是笑die我。
評分I gotta admit that essays from the New Yorker magazine aren't really my thing.
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