“非理性時代四部麯”(The Age of Unreason):
1、「牛頓加農炮」(Newton's Cannon);
2、「天使的微積分」(A Calculus of Angels)1999;
3、「非理性帝國」(Empire of Unreason)2000;
4、最終篇「上帝之影」(The Shadows of God)
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關於J. Gregory Keyes 格雷戈裏·凱斯:
他是多部奇幻小說的作者,畢業於佐治亞大學人類學專業。他齣生在Meridian市,在密西西比州和亞利桑那州的納瓦霍印第安人保留地度過瞭童年時光。凱斯的祖上具有部分的印第安血統,他在早年浸淫於納瓦霍文化,接觸到眾多從祖上傳下來的傳說,這令凱斯對語言學、宗教儀式、神話和傳說産生瞭濃厚興趣。他的首部小說《The WaterBorn》齣版於1996年,第二部小說《黑神》(The Blackgod)於次年問世。凱斯的第三部小說《牛頓加農炮》開啓瞭他的《非理性時代四部麯》的序幕,這是一部假想曆史奇幻小說,書中艾薩剋·牛頓發現瞭煉金術的奧秘。此係列隨後的書目分彆為《天使的微積分》(1999)、《非理性帝國》(2000)、和最終篇《上帝之影》(2001)。凱斯也創作瞭多部“星球大戰”小說:《新的傑迪組織》係列,《勝利的邊緣1:徵服》和《勝利的邊緣2:新生》。他最新的作品《石南之王》(2003)是《荊棘與白骨王國》係列的第一部小說。
A dazzling quest whose outcome will raise humanity to unparalleled heights of glory--or ring down a curtain of endless night . . . 1681: When Sir Isaac Newton turns his restless mind to the ancient art of alchemy, he unleashes Philosopher's Mercury, a primal source of matter and a key to manipulating the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Now, as France and England battle for its control, Louis XIV calls for a new weapon--a mysterious device known only as Newton's Cannon. Half a world away, a young apprentice named Benjamin Franklin stumbles across a dangerous secret. Pursued by a deadly enemy--half scientist, half sorcerer--Ben makes his fugitive way to England. Only Newton himself can help him now. But who will help Sir Isaac? For he was not the first to unleash the Philosopher's Mercury. Others were there before him. Creatures as scornful of science as they are of mankind. And burning to be rid of both . . .
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圖書標籤: 奇幻
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