Wen C. Fong is professor emeritus of Chinese art history at Princeton University, where he taught from 1954 to 1999, established the country's first PhD program in Chinese and Japanese art and archaeology, and served for many years as faculty curator of Asian art at the Princeton University Art Museum. He also served as consultative chairman of the Department of Asian Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for three decades before retiring in 2000. His many books include "Images of the Mind", "Beyond Representation", and "Possessing the Past".
This book presents a survey of Chinese painting from the eighth to the 14th century, a period during which the nature of China's pictorial art changed dramatically. Illustrated by works in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the author begins by describing the advent toward the end of the Bronze Age of figural representation in Chinese art, and next traces the development of Chinese landscape painting from the third to the tenth century. He then moves on to discuss the art of the Sung dynasty, when the imperial government was increasingly absolute and repressive. In this period artists shifted from a realistic rendition of nature to more symbolic representation of single flowers, rocks and trees. By the time of the Yuan dynasty, following the Mongol conquest of 1279, objective representation in art had been replaced by imagery that drew on the artist's inner response to his world. Because it was believed that the meaning of a painted subject, made complex by personal and symbolic associations, could no longer be expressed without language, the painter began to inscribe poems and incorporate calligraphy in his works, the multiple relationships among word, image and calligraphy forming the basis of a new art. At this stage Chinese art entered its richest and most diverse stage f development.
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本來可以齣版成五十塊錢一本的好書,為何要做成680來“要挾”眾多學子呢?有些人、有些齣版社到底是在想些什麼?! 齣版社的這種行為,真是無良之舉!有悖學術的初衷。 有人說是版權費貴。但即使版權費很貴也不會如此,況且很多學術著作的版權費都是屬於贈送的,或者不多的版權...
評分The book is undoubtedly an essential reading for Chinese painting studies but what a truly sb the Chinese publisher is! Thank you for making Chinese painting ''an elite production'' by setting this ridiculous price! I'm sure it will be a joke soon in the we...
評分一 費正清的論證有個觀點值得注意,首先是3世紀到5世紀,這個時候,中國和羅馬帝國一樣都是受到蠻族入侵,在中國叫作五鬍亂華。但是羅馬帝國此後就一蹶不振,而中國在5世紀建立的唐朝則完全復製瞭秦漢帝製。究其原因除瞭是中國有比羅馬更深的帝製傳統(董仲舒建立的天命說)...
評分本來可以齣版成五十塊錢一本的好書,為何要做成680來“要挾”眾多學子呢?有些人、有些齣版社到底是在想些什麼?! 齣版社的這種行為,真是無良之舉!有悖學術的初衷。 有人說是版權費貴。但即使版權費很貴也不會如此,況且很多學術著作的版權費都是屬於贈送的,或者不多的版權...
評分首先,畫印的不錯,有很多大圖和彩圖,還有很多放大的細節圖。不少畫作都是流到國外美術館的藏品,國內沒有機會見到的。 第一章講人物畫,重點是李公麟的孝經圖。 第二章講巨型山水畫,即以《溪山行旅》和屈鼎的《夏山圖》為代錶;我覺得《夏山圖》的中間部分很像溪山行旅;而...
圖書標籤: 藝術史 方聞 海外中國研究 書畫 英文原版 藝術史 宋 中國藝術史
評分W.F's writing always reminds me of the biology professor who always talked about yin and yang in class...
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