亞曆山大·索爾仁尼琴(1918— ),俄羅斯作傢。大學時代開始不停地思考社會政治問題,後因此進勞改營服刑八年,其間兩次從癌癥的魔爪中逃脫。刑滿後積極投入文學創作,其中《伊凡·傑尼索維奇的一天》引起轟動,但《古拉格群島》、《癌癥樓》等傑作無法在當時的蘇聯齣版,在西方國傢率先齣版後引起轟動。1969年被蘇聯作協開除,次年獲諾貝爾文學奬。1974年被蘇聯驅逐齣境,流亡西方。1994年迴俄羅斯。
"Cancer Ward" examines the relationship of a group of people in the cancer ward of a provincial Soviet hospital in 1955, two years after Stalin's death. We see them under normal circumstances, and also reexamined at the eleventh hour of illness. Together they represent a remarkable cross-section of contemporary Russian characters and attitudes. The experiences of the central character, Oleg Kostoglotov, closely reflect the author's own: Solzhenitsyn himself became a patient in a cancer ward in the mid-1950s, on his release from a labor camp, and later recovered. Translated by Nicholas Bethell and David Burg.
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拋開那些熠熠閃光的偉大榮譽,拋開一嚮為人稱道的政治意義暫且不論,這個偉大的俄國靈魂對生命價值與人生際遇的解讀,帶給人的觸動與反思,單單隻是通過癌癥這一主題便展現無遺。 ‘我這兒不是癌,對嗎,大夫?’尼古拉維奇不下十遍的詢問與女大夫寬心的安慰一下子就把...
評分 評分 評分 評分圖書標籤: 索爾仁尼琴 文學 英文 癌癥 心理 俄羅斯
評分What a fine piece of literature. A masterly crafted survey of life, humanism and humanity.
評分Krebsstation..癌癥站.德文版 長評:http://www.douban.com/review/1991361/
評分What a fine piece of literature. A masterly crafted survey of life, humanism and humanity.
評分What a fine piece of literature. A masterly crafted survey of life, humanism and humanity.
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