Two brothers bound by tragedy; a fiercely brilliant woman haunted by her past; a country torn by revolution: the Pulitzer Prize winner and #1 New York Times best-selling author gives us a powerful new novel--set in both India and America--that explores the price of idealism and a love that can last long past death.
Growing up in Calcutta, born just fifteen months apart, Subhash and Udayan Mitra are inseparable brothers, one often mistaken for the other. But they are also opposites, with gravely different futures ahead of them. It is the 1960s, and Udayan--charismatic and impulsive--finds himself drawn to the Naxalite movement, a rebellion waged to eradicate inequity and poverty: he will give everything, risk all, for what he believes. Subhash, the dutiful son, does not share his brother's political passion; he leaves home to pursue a life of scientific research in a quiet, coastal corner of America. But when Subhash learns what happened to his brother in the lowland outside their family's home, he comes back to India, hoping to pick up the pieces of a shattered family, and to heal the wounds Udayan left behind--including those seared in the heart of his brother's wife.
Suspenseful, sweeping, piercingly intimate, The Lowland expands the range of one of our most dazzling storytellers, seamlessly interweaving the historical and the personal across generations and geographies. This masterly novel of fate and will, exile and return, is a tour de force and an instant classic.
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低地,是指在加爾各答中産階級聚居區,一對平凡的兄弟倆蘇巴什和烏達安傢門口有兩個橢圓形的池塘,而挨著池塘旁的就是幾英畝大的一塊低地。 雨季過後,池塘裏的池水就會上漲,低地被淹後積滿的水有三四英尺深。 他們一同長大,他們曾在那塊低地邊嬉戲,那裏甚至是烏達安革命暴...
評分2000年,年僅33歲的印裔美國作傢裘帕·拉希莉憑藉《解說疾病的人》摘下瞭在美國極具分量的普利策文學奬,並成為該奬史上最年輕的獲奬者。 這位年輕卻在寫作上“成熟的不可思議”的作傢從此開始被世界文壇所認識。 2019年8月,可以文化推齣裘帕·拉希莉長篇小說《低地》,這也是...
評分來源:澎湃新聞 2019-10-29 11:33 ;澎湃新聞記者 王諍 10月27日下午,由浙江文藝齣版社“KEY-可以文化”主辦的“漂泊與睏境:裘帕·拉希莉筆下的異鄉人 ——普利策奬得主新書《同名人》《低地》分享會” 在北京三聯韜奮書店三裏屯分店舉行,知名青年作傢、魯迅文學奬得主石一...
評分來源:澎湃新聞 2019-10-29 11:33 ;澎湃新聞記者 王諍 10月27日下午,由浙江文藝齣版社“KEY-可以文化”主辦的“漂泊與睏境:裘帕·拉希莉筆下的異鄉人 ——普利策奬得主新書《同名人》《低地》分享會” 在北京三聯韜奮書店三裏屯分店舉行,知名青年作傢、魯迅文學奬得主石一...
圖書標籤: 印度 小說 文學 JhumpaLahiri English 英文 移民故事 外國文學
評分It's an emotional journey reading the story in 50s and 60s Calcutta where Naxalite movement takes place. People's decisions are affected and lead to different paths and consequences.The story has a slow build yet the plot really gets me after a while. Jhumpa Lahiri remains the most graceful writer I've ever read, a true master of language.
評分heartwrenching... but trauma does not have to traumatize us.
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