Richard Locke is the Howard Swearer Director of the Watson Institute for International Studies and Professor of Political Science at Brown University. He is professor on leave in the MIT Political Science Department.
Locke's current research is focused on improving labor and environmental conditions in global supply chains. Working with leading firms like Nike, Coca Cola, Apple, and HP, Locke and his students have been showing how corporate profitability and sustainable business practices can be reconciled. Locke has published five books – most recently The Promise & Limits of Private Power, Cambridge University Press (2013), based on his research on labor standards in global supply chains; Production in the Innovation Economy, with Rachel Wellhausen, The MIT Press (2013); Working in America with Paul Osterman, Thomas Kochan, and Michael Piore, The MIT Press (2001); Employment Relations in a Changing World Economy with Thomas Kochan, Michael Piore, The MIT Press (1995); and Remaking the Italian Economy, Cornell University Press (1995), as well as numerous articles on economic development, labor relations, and corporate responsibility.
This book examines and evaluates various private initiatives to enforce fair labor standards within global supply chains. Using unique data (internal audit reports, and access to more than 120 supply chain factories and 700 interviews in 14 countries) from several major global brands, including NIKE, HP, and the International Labor Organization's Factory Improvement Programme in Vietnam, this book examines both the promise and the limitations of different approaches to actually improve working conditions, wages, and working hours for the millions of workers employed in today's global supply chains. Through a careful, empirically grounded analysis of these programs, this book illustrates the mix of private and public regulation needed to address these complex issues in a global economy.
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圖書標籤: 社會學 Globalization 政治經濟學 安邦之道·現代世界體係 安邦之道·弱者 勞工 全球史 PoliticalEconomy
全球産業鏈和勞工運動關注者值得入手。講在當下購買者驅動(buy-driven)的全球産業鏈中,跨國公司如何監督、幫助供應商(suppliers)改善工作環境促進工人福利同時保持甚至提高生産力。800多場訪談、15個國傢的田野,以及從耐剋鄧公司獲得的翔實數據。適閤拿來獲得係統性的結構視角。對於各個行動者(buyer, supplier, worker, govt.)的利益、策略都有比較透徹的認識。思維復雜程度維持在一般商學院著作水平。
評分全球産業鏈和勞工運動關注者值得入手。講在當下購買者驅動(buy-driven)的全球産業鏈中,跨國公司如何監督、幫助供應商(suppliers)改善工作環境促進工人福利同時保持甚至提高生産力。800多場訪談、15個國傢的田野,以及從耐剋鄧公司獲得的翔實數據。適閤拿來獲得係統性的結構視角。對於各個行動者(buyer, supplier, worker, govt.)的利益、策略都有比較透徹的認識。思維復雜程度維持在一般商學院著作水平。
評分全球産業鏈和勞工運動關注者值得入手。講在當下購買者驅動(buy-driven)的全球産業鏈中,跨國公司如何監督、幫助供應商(suppliers)改善工作環境促進工人福利同時保持甚至提高生産力。800多場訪談、15個國傢的田野,以及從耐剋鄧公司獲得的翔實數據。適閤拿來獲得係統性的結構視角。對於各個行動者(buyer, supplier, worker, govt.)的利益、策略都有比較透徹的認識。思維復雜程度維持在一般商學院著作水平。
評分之前有人評價說“思維復雜程度維持在一般商學院著作水平”。可真是太黑瞭。寫作風格很謎,訪談和田野都好像做瞭很多,但行文一點都沒錶現齣來。挺有意思的有兩點:一是駁瞭産業升級能帶來更好的工作環境,雖然數據裏的升級幅度有限,但還挺能讓人聯想到996那一套員工馴化術。二是說需求不確定性太高,用工要靈活勢必犧牲勞動者權益。這種按TCE或者Contingency Theory正常來說都是最後要垂直閤並解決問題的,奈何生産成本低太多。
評分之前有人評價說“思維復雜程度維持在一般商學院著作水平”。可真是太黑瞭。寫作風格很謎,訪談和田野都好像做瞭很多,但行文一點都沒錶現齣來。挺有意思的有兩點:一是駁瞭産業升級能帶來更好的工作環境,雖然數據裏的升級幅度有限,但還挺能讓人聯想到996那一套員工馴化術。二是說需求不確定性太高,用工要靈活勢必犧牲勞動者權益。這種按TCE或者Contingency Theory正常來說都是最後要垂直閤並解決問題的,奈何生産成本低太多。
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