A Farewell to Alms 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
或许经济学应该从历史学和生物学中或许灵感。 经济现象应该可以由常识解释,到底有没有宏观经济学是个很严肃的问题,回头看看马克思的书,或许也会有新的启发。 现代经济学,走在一个十字路口。因为建模高手们,现在没有很好的解释世界。 无休止的宽松货币政策会有怎么样的结...
评分如果你想从这本书中看到一些离经叛道的新东西…… 你被耍了…… 大体上本书前一半儿类似马尔萨斯的人口论,后一半似乎借鉴了索洛模型来描述经济增长。全书掺杂了各种家的各种论,资本论,进化论…… 本书旨在解决三个问题 1 为什么马尔萨斯经济(技术革新导致人口增长而不是收...
评分若干年前,美国加州大学教授格雷 戈里·克拉克写了本经济史,讨论英国工 业革命的产生。书名《告别匮乏》(A Farewel to Alms)——显然是套用海明威 小说标题《告别武器》(A Farewell to Arms)。工业革命之前,英国的城市很航 脏,瘟疫流行,每代人都有三分之一早 死。人回靠...
评分看过英文原版了。台湾繁体字版翻译为《告別施捨:世界經濟簡史》(A Farewell to Alms)。网上已经有不少评论了。 这书里都是作者自己的逻辑和论证。 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4af8e74101008fdl.html http://www.strongwind.com.hk/article.aspx?id=7218
图书标签: 经济史 经济学 历史 经济 economics history Economics 金融
Why are some parts of the world so rich and others so poor? Why did the Industrial Revolution--and the unprecedented economic growth that came with it--occur in eighteenth-century England, and not at some other time, or in some other place? Why didn't industrialization make the whole world rich--and why did it make large parts of the world even poorer? In A Farewell to Alms, Gregory Clark tackles these profound questions and suggests a new and provocative way in which culture--not exploitation, geography, or resources--explains the wealth, and the poverty, of nations.</p>
Countering the prevailing theory that the Industrial Revolution was sparked by the sudden development of stable political, legal, and economic institutions in seventeenth-century Europe, Clark shows that such institutions existed long before industrialization. He argues instead that these institutions gradually led to deep cultural changes by encouraging people to abandon hunter-gatherer instincts-violence, impatience, and economy of effort-and adopt economic habits-hard work, rationality, and education.</p>
The problem, Clark says, is that only societies that have long histories of settlement and security seem to develop the cultural characteristics and effective workforces that enable economic growth. For the many societies that have not enjoyed long periods of stability, industrialization has not been a blessing. Clark also dissects the notion, championed by Jared Diamond in Guns, Germs, and Steel, that natural endowments such as geography account for differences in the wealth of nations.</p>
A brilliant and sobering challenge to the idea that poor societies can be economically developed through outside intervention, A Farewell to Alms may change the way global economic history is understood.</p>
评分have the honor to take the class of the author, who is a kind and excellent professor!
评分A very interesting social Darwinism perspective of economic history.
评分Truly insightful and rewarding. The intellectual honesty and seriousness demonstrated in this book is breathtaking. Deserves a reread and note taking.
A Farewell to Alms 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书