The groundbreaking, "seminal work" ( Time ) on intelligent design that dares to ask, was Darwin wrong? In 1996, Darwin's Black Box helped to launch the intelligent design movement: the argument that nature exhibits evidence of design, beyond Darwinian randomness. It sparked a national debate on evolution, which continues to intensify across the country. From one end of the spectrum to the other, Darwin's Black Box has established itself as the key intelligent design text -- the one argument that must be addressed in order to determine whether Darwinian evolution is sufficient to explain life as we know it. In a major new Afterword for this edition, Behe explains that the complexity discovered by microbiologists has dramatically increased since the book was first published. That complexity is a continuing challenge to Darwinism, and evolutionists have had no success at explaining it. Darwin's Black Box is more important today than ever.
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趙剛:《達爾文的黑匣子》讀書報告 http://www.godoor.net/jidianlinks/jhl/xz-dew.txt 摘要: 如果達爾文主義者對這本重要著作的反應是忽略,歪麯,或 者嘲笑的話,則隻是給現在對達爾文主義隻是一個理想化,而不 是一個科學性的理論的廣泛懷疑提供證據而已。如果他們...
評分如果是部文學讀物,翻譯差一點,或許會損害到原書的美感、質量;一本科普讀物,如果翻譯的爛會傷害到讀者的大腦! 作為一部生物化學方麵的外文科普讀物,我難以對它專業名詞、文法的翻譯質量做齣專業判斷,但以下兩個小例子是我完全有能力辨彆齣來的: 1、........
評分 評分本書甫一齣版,轟動一時,的確,作為一個學生物的人,我也曾懷疑,如此復雜而美妙的生物機製,真的是進化齣來的? 在20年前,很多實驗沒有完成之前,就算是科學傢這麼想也不奇怪。 但是,現在,我們有很多證據來反駁智能設計瞭。 比如: 眼睛的進化: http://v.youku.com/v_...
評分《達爾文的黑箱》讀書報告 趙剛(小竈) 一、現狀和問題 在這本書的封底,Notre Dame大學的哲學教授Petervan Inwagen這樣說道: ……如果達爾文主義者對這本重要著作的反應是忽略,歪麯,或...
圖書標籤: 進化論 科普 哲學 Intelligent Design
You can never take anything for granted!
評分You can never take anything for granted!
評分You can never take anything for granted!
評分You can never take anything for granted!
評分You can never take anything for granted!
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