Henrik Kniberg is a consultant at Crisp in Stockholm (http://www.crisp.se), specializing in Java and Agile software development. He has founded several Swedish software companies and is passionate about learning, teaching, and applying the art of software development. Henrik takes a holistic approach and enjoys adopting different roles such as manager, developer, scrum master, teacher, and coach. For more info see http://www.crisp.se/henrik.kniberg.
The tricky part to agile software development is that there is no manual telling you exactly how to do it. You have to experiment and continuously adapt the process until it suits your specific situation.
This book aims to give you a head start by providing a detailed down-to-earth account of how one Swedish company implemented Scrum and XP with a team of approximately 40 people and how they continuously improved their process over a year's time.
Under the leadership of Henrik Kniberg they experimented with different team sizes, different sprint lengths, different ways of defining "done", different formats for product backlogs and sprint backlogs, different testing strategies, different ways of doing demos, different ways of synchronizing multiple Scrum teams, etc. They also experimented with XP practices - different ways of doing continuous build, pair programming, test driven development, etc, and how to combine this with Scrum.
Your team's constraints may dictate a different configuration of practices (and even compromises), but here is an example of how to approach the "continuous improvement" process that will make your Agile process work best for you.
This book includes:
* Practical tips and tricks for most Scrum and XP practices
* Typical pitfalls and how they were addressed
* Diagrams and photos illustrating day-to-day work
* Testing and test-driven development
* Scaling and coordinating multiple teams
* Dealing with resistance from inside and outside the team
* Planning and time estimation techniques
* Forwards by Jeff Sutherland and Mike Cohn
Download free online version at http://infoq.com/minibooks/scrum-xp-from-the-trenches
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沒有什麼廢話,沒有什麼華麗語言的修飾,一切都是大白話和大實話。但是這一切都是齣自真正的實戰經驗和總結。 剛開始看的時候不以為然,但是隨著自己實施Scrum之後,發現裏麵的很多經驗可以直接照搬過來,而且很多我犯的錯誤,書中都已經提示瞭,隻是我沒有注意而...
評分首先,個人覺得這是一本不錯的小書。 說它小,是因為這本書很薄,100多頁吧,無非就是程序開發那點事。說它不錯,是因為它很實用,沒什麼花哨的東西。 其次,這是一本scrum的實施指南。 周圍的很多程序員,看瞭太多的敏捷的思想,聽瞭太多的敏捷的原則,xp、scrum、sprint更...
評分這本書是一口氣看完的, 字裏行間都能夠體會到硝煙彌漫. 感覺這本書更像是一種CookBook, Scrum 是一種靈活的框架, 它沒有那麼多的繁文縟節, 在每一個不同的team裏, 在同一個team的不同項目中, Scrum都在演變, 都在進化. 我覺得在眾多的Scrum文章和書籍中,真的缺少這種詳細的...
評分在經曆瞭一年多敏捷實踐,看瞭幾本Scrum理論書籍後(基本都沒有看完),帶瞭一堆疑問和睏惑打開這本印刷精美的小書,頓時有一種豁然開朗的感覺。 好長時間沒有看完一本書的衝動瞭,每一章看過後都有不少收獲,裏麵總能找到當前項目Scrum實踐中遇到的問題和解決方法。 另外中文...
評分這本書是一口氣看完的, 字裏行間都能夠體會到硝煙彌漫. 感覺這本書更像是一種CookBook, Scrum 是一種靈活的框架, 它沒有那麼多的繁文縟節, 在每一個不同的team裏, 在同一個team的不同項目中, Scrum都在演變, 都在進化. 我覺得在眾多的Scrum文章和書籍中,真的缺少這種詳細的...
圖書標籤: scrum 敏捷開發 軟件工程 XP Agile 項目管理 軟件開發 敏捷
讓你瞭解Scrum中各種可能的activity, 以及作者是怎麼實施的 --- 貌似作者公司的項目範圍比較廣,各種各樣的情況他們都有所嘗試
評分讓你瞭解Scrum中各種可能的activity, 以及作者是怎麼實施的 --- 貌似作者公司的項目範圍比較廣,各種各樣的情況他們都有所嘗試
評分非常好的SCRUM 實際使用經驗.
Scrum and XP from the Trenches 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載