Suzanne Yalo is a senior fashion editor at GIamour. She has worked at Vogue, Elle, and Marie Claire. She lives in New York City.
Getting over John Doe 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: interpersonal 2012
Is there anything worse than being in love with someone who -- suddenly, out of the blue, with no reason at all -- stops loving you back?</P>
Here is a remedy for that all-too-familiar chapter in every girl's life: getting dumped.</P>
It's not really Ben & Jerry's that soothes the sting -- or getting even -- though that certainly helps. Rather, it's learning to lose him and respect yourself that puts you on the path to sanity-and gives you some Zen with men.</P>
In this quirky romantic comedy of errors, Suzy Yalof tells her John Doe story from the pitch "open -- minded, smart, funny" to sex, the L-word, and the big dump (a subzero day on a chairlift) to finally getting over John Doe (Hint: Do the things he always hated). Like all of us, Suzy Yalof has survived the exaltation, embarrassment, and disappointment of romance. But with the realization that for every frog there is a prince, she's rebounded with style. Hers is an exemplary story of a woman scorned -- and then inspired.</P>
Every woman who has ever loved and lost and then gone on to exhaust her mom, her pals, and the neighborhood bartender with her John Doe story will find a well of unconditional empathy in Getting Over John Doe. It is a love lesson for our time -- and far more titillating than dating John ever was.</P>
Getting over John Doe 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书