保罗•柯艾略(Paulo Coelho) 著名作家,1947年出生于巴西里约热内卢。 从《朝圣》开始,18部作品陆续被翻译成67种语言,在160多个国家和地区出版发行,总计销量已超过1亿册,荣获国际大奖无数,以博大宽宏的心胸、清澈如水的文字,将哲学沉思、宗教奇迹、童话寓言熔为一炉,抒写了无数感动世界的篇章,在世间挥洒智慧、理想和爱的光芒。由于其巨大影响, 2007年,被联合国任命为和平大使。
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
时至今日,我仍清晰地记得二十岁的我捧着这本书时候的复杂心情。 那时候,很爱一个人,爱地如梦一般美好。 那时候,我还很单纯,单纯地如泪水洗过的良心。 那时候,我还不曾坐在河边哭泣。 而现在,那掩面哭泣的又是哪个因爱伤透的孩子? 我坐在琵卓河畔,哭泣 传说 所有掉进...
评分说实话,先是那个有点魔幻色彩的封面,再看到了这个书名,让人想起《圣经.诗篇》第137首,然后读到里面的文字: “我坐在琵卓河畔,哭泣。传说,所有掉进这条河的东西,不管是落叶、虫或鸟羽,都化成了石头,累积成河床。假若我能将我的心撕成碎片,投入湍急的流水之中,那么...
评分知道这本书,是因为《似水年华》。英送给文的书。这又意味着什么?我不得而知。无意间,我在一个网站上看到了电子版。 做在电脑前,花了几个小时,阅读完这本书。音箱里传出的是forever at your feet。再合适不过的音乐,因为开头那潺潺的雨声,低沉哀婉,亦如这本书的序言。 ...
评分说实话,先是那个有点魔幻色彩的封面,再看到了这个书名,让人想起《圣经.诗篇》第137首,然后读到里面的文字: “我坐在琵卓河畔,哭泣。传说,所有掉进这条河的东西,不管是落叶、虫或鸟羽,都化成了石头,累积成河床。假若我能将我的心撕成碎片,投入湍急的流水之中,那么...
图书标签: Paulo·Coelho PauloCoelho 小说 我坐在彼得拉河畔哭泣 英文原版 外国文学 巴西 原版
Book Description
What happens when shyness prevents an adolescent love affair from developing? And what happens when, 11 years later, destiny brings the lovers together again? Pilar is now an independent and strong young woman who has learnt to bury her feelings. She is studying at a small-town university when she receives an unexpected call from her old childhood sweetheart. He is now a handsome spritual teacher - with a reputation for performing miracles - who has turned to religion as a refuge from his inner conflicts.
Together they take a journey that is initially fraught with difficulty as blame and resentment resurface after years of being hidden. But by the River Piedra, in a small village in the French Pyreness, they find a way to discuss many of life's bie questions and re-evaluate their own special relationship.
By the River Piedra is a wonderful novel, with a poetic and transcendent narrative, that reflects all the mysteries of love and life.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)11.1
love is always new.Regardless of whether we love once, twice, or a dozen times in our life, we always face a brand-new stiuation. love can consigh us to hell or to paradise, but it always takes us somewhere. Even if loving meant leaving, or solitude, or sorrow, love was worth every penny of its price^^
评分I can't understand the religious world
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书