This book is for everyone who wants to know more about Latin, about the language and about its influence on the culture and history of Europe. It covers the basic facts about the pronunciation of Latin, the most common words, and something about the forms of words. It also includes a fair number of well-know phrases and quotations. This is not a textbook in any traditional or modern sense. It is mainly about how and when the language was used, and how it has gradually influenced other languages. You will not need special previous knowledge; everything you need to know will be introduced as you go along...
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圖書標籤: Latin 語言學 語言 linguistics Language_History
評分書名仿普林尼的自然史,想融閤*有用的知識和有趣的掌故*(65頁)。按年代順序,將拉丁文學重要人物提點一下,穿插基礎知識(羅馬人名字、日曆),重要拉丁詞和概念會簡單介紹。問題是實在太過簡單,太過基礎,是Wheelock引言、或者Elementary Latin Dictionary最前麵基礎知識闆塊的放大版,隻適閤本科生和對拉丁文無任何瞭解的初級讀者。不明白為什麼牛津,哪怕是牛津(美國),竟會齣版這樣簡單而初級、可以一目十行的書,實在跌份。這樣的科普書理應換一傢商業齣版社。全書第三部分是不足40頁的語法要點概述,還配單詞錶和拉丁常用詞組。總之不倫不類的。
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