羅賓·喬治·科林伍德(Robin George Collingwood,1889-1943),英國哲學傢,曆史學傢,業餘畫傢。1912年起任牛律大學研究員。1914-1918年服務於英國海軍參謀部下屬機構。1927年起為牛津大學羅馬史講座教師,成為繼哈佛菲爾德之後的羅馬不列顛史專傢。1935年起為牛津大學溫弗萊特形成上學哲學教授,至 1941年退休。
This treatise on aesthetics begins by showing that the word "art" is used as a name not only for "art proper" but also for certain things which are "art falsely so called." These are craft or skill, magic, and amusement, each of which, by confusion with art proper, generates a false aesthetic theory. In the course of attacking these theories the author criticizes various psychological theories of art, offers a new theory of magic, and reinterprets Plato's so-called "attack on art," showing that it has been entirely misunderstood. Finally, he draws important inferences concerning the position of art in human society.
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科林伍德的藝術觀點曾經深刻地影響過建國前後的中國美學傢,這本《藝術原理》放在今天看來,在思想性上也是足夠分量的,不管觀點過時瞭多少,就衝科林伍德的邏輯性也值得一讀。其中有一套理論我做瞭兩個導圖,見最後的附圖,這裏先傳幾頁我覺得比較有意思的內容: “科林伍德的...
評分科林伍德的藝術觀點曾經深刻地影響過建國前後的中國美學傢,這本《藝術原理》放在今天看來,在思想性上也是足夠分量的,不管觀點過時瞭多少,就衝科林伍德的邏輯性也值得一讀。其中有一套理論我做瞭兩個導圖,見最後的附圖,這裏先傳幾頁我覺得比較有意思的內容: “科林伍德的...
評分科林伍德的藝術觀點曾經深刻地影響過建國前後的中國美學傢,這本《藝術原理》放在今天看來,在思想性上也是足夠分量的,不管觀點過時瞭多少,就衝科林伍德的邏輯性也值得一讀。其中有一套理論我做瞭兩個導圖,見最後的附圖,這裏先傳幾頁我覺得比較有意思的內容: “科林伍德的...
評分科林伍德的藝術觀點曾經深刻地影響過建國前後的中國美學傢,這本《藝術原理》放在今天看來,在思想性上也是足夠分量的,不管觀點過時瞭多少,就衝科林伍德的邏輯性也值得一讀。其中有一套理論我做瞭兩個導圖,見最後的附圖,這裏先傳幾頁我覺得比較有意思的內容: “科林伍德的...
評分科林伍德的藝術觀點曾經深刻地影響過建國前後的中國美學傢,這本《藝術原理》放在今天看來,在思想性上也是足夠分量的,不管觀點過時瞭多少,就衝科林伍德的邏輯性也值得一讀。其中有一套理論我做瞭兩個導圖,見最後的附圖,這裏先傳幾頁我覺得比較有意思的內容: “科林伍德的...
圖書標籤: R.G.Collingwood 藝術史 藝術 美學 哲學 Theoryandphilosophy Philosophy 思維
這本書雖然很學術,有很係統的邏輯,但是這個人主觀性也非常強,說話不留餘地,比如他說心理學分析法隻適用於pseudo-art,對於真正的藝術,心理學的分析純屬傻逼。還有印象最深他說哲學傢最喜歡argue for the sake of arguing,即使對於尋求真理近乎絕望,仍然要力求證明齣彆的哲學傢是傻逼。就是欣賞這種哲學傢強大的個人風格,順便,此人長得很帥。
評分A fantastic introduction to Aesthetics. Art as expression; expression as the articulation of emotion. Art vs Craft. Collingwood's intuitive account of art; Collingwood's underlying theory of the mind and how this vindicates the intuitive view in a fully developed theory. Quel un chef d'oeuvre! :)
評分A fantastic introduction to Aesthetics. Art as expression; expression as the articulation of emotion. Art vs Craft. Collingwood's intuitive account of art; Collingwood's underlying theory of the mind and how this vindicates the intuitive view in a fully developed theory. Quel un chef d'oeuvre! :)
評分A fantastic introduction to Aesthetics. Art as expression; expression as the articulation of emotion. Art vs Craft. Collingwood's intuitive account of art; Collingwood's underlying theory of the mind and how this vindicates the intuitive view in a fully developed theory. Quel un chef d'oeuvre! :)
評分A fantastic introduction to Aesthetics. Art as expression; expression as the articulation of emotion. Art vs Craft. Collingwood's intuitive account of art; Collingwood's underlying theory of the mind and how this vindicates the intuitive view in a fully developed theory. Quel un chef d'oeuvre! :)
The Principles of Art (Galaxy Books) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載