大衛•貝爾斯(David Bayles),美國攝影師、環保人士。早年在大學研習社會學,但由於對攝影情有獨鍾而放棄瞭自己的專業。曾在攝影傢安塞爾•亞當斯(Ansel Adams,1902—1984)的工作室學習和工作,從事過商業攝影,開設有自己的工作室。20世紀80年代中後期,加入美國西部的環保組織“太平洋河流”(Pacific Rivers),至今仍是它的執行理事。他與老朋友特德•奧蘭德閤作完成瞭這部鼓舞創作者從事創作的書籍,還獨立著有《共同景觀筆記:解讀美國西部》(Notes on a Shared Landscape: Making Sense of the American West)。
特德•奧蘭德(Ted Orland),美國攝影師。曾在設計大師查爾斯•埃姆斯(Charles Eames,1907—1978)的工作室做平麵設計,後為攝影傢安塞爾•亞當斯擔任助理,並協助後者完成瞭在優勝美地拍攝的知名係列風景照片。他還從事教學和寫作,開設有自己的工作室,並齣版有《工作室入口的視角:藝術傢如何探索未知世界》(The View From the Studio Door: How Artists Find Their Way In An Uncertain World)。
"This is a book about making art. Ordinary art. Ordinary art means something like: all art "not" made by Mozart. After all, art is rarely made by Mozart-like people; essentially-statistically speaking-there "aren't" any people like that. Geniuses get made once-a-century or so, yet good art gets made all the time, so to equate the making of art with the workings of genius removes this intimately human activity to a strangely unreachable and unknowable place. For all practical purposes making art can be examined in great detail without ever getting entangled in the very remote problems of genius."--from the Introduction "Art and Fear" explores the way art gets made, the reasons it often "doesn't" get made, and the nature of the difficulties that cause so many artists to give up along the way. The book's co-authors, David Bayles and Ted Orland, are themselves both working artists, grappling daily with the problems of making art in the real world. Their insights and observations, drawn from personal experience, provide an incisive view into the world of art as it is expeienced by artmakers themselves. This is not your typical self-help book. This is a book written by artists, for artists -- it's about what it feels like when artists sit down at their easel or keyboard, in their studio or performance space, trying to do the work they need to do. First published in 1994, "Art and Fear" quickly became an underground classic. Word-of-mouth response alone-now enhanced by internet posting-has placed it among the best-selling books on artmaking and creativity nationally. "Art and Fear" has attracted a remarkably diverse audience, ranging from beginning to accomplished artists in every medium, and including an exceptional concentration among students and teachers. The original Capra Press edition of "Art and Fear" sold 80,000 copies. An excerpt: Today, more than it was however many years ago, art is hard because you have to keep after it so consistently. On so many different fronts. For so little external reward. Artists become veteran artists only by making peace not just with themselves, but with a huge range of issues. You have to find your work...
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相信每一個深陷創作泥潭的人都知道,走一條藝術的道路是何等的艱難。這條路上的每一個階段都會發生讓你意想不到的事情。 這些事情都是什麼呢?或者是你畏懼於前路的黑暗,還沒有推開大門的時候,就震顫於門庭的高大,於是你寜願選擇一扇看起來平常的門,你也知道這扇門背後是一...
評分 評分 評分[https://mobile.tingtingfm.com/v3/vod/2/ea8RsGRbGd] 2019年5月21日,中信美術館館長曾孜榮先生與讀庫副主編楊芳州女士在北京故事廣播《讀書俱樂部》欄目對談《藝術與恐懼》。 一本分析創作睏境的書, 一本鼓勵創意工作的書, 一本不止在談藝術的書, 一本不太容易分類的書,...
評分圖書標籤: 藝術 哲學 art 心理學 思維 設計 英語 美國
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