He will go down in history as one of Asia's most famous (or infamous) statesmen. "The Singapore Story" tells one side of the story - Lee's. Former Singaporean prime minister Lee Kuan Yew has long been acclaimed for his outspoken persona and alert and thorough intellect. However, it is not certain that he is fully aware of his impact (or maybe he is) on other people - specially on Tunku Abdul Rahman. With this, the inaugural volume of his autobiography, he also proves himself as an charming and pleasant narrator - and therein lies the problem. The tone of the book is almost benign - but was her really. His tale begins as an distinguished student from a non pretentious bourgeois, English speaking home (this proves problematic in the future as Lee makes his way around the Chinese speaking communities)...
From Third World to First, The Singapore Story 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
挺真實的。 第一遍是瀏覽瞭全書。 給我的印象是:一個機會主義者、現實主義者、謀略傢及政治傢。 開篇就是寫的彷徨和不安而非豐功偉業。 最值得讀的一章我推薦青少年時代,那經曆叫一個起落坎坷。 寫自己的父母親和祖父,直言自己的態度。 寫英軍日軍占領下的新加坡和自己的處...
評分 評分想要瞭解新加坡的前世今生,就一定要看《李光耀迴憶錄》;因為新加坡的繁榮,和“李光耀”這個名字密不可分。 《李光耀迴憶錄 1923 - 1965》主要講述瞭新馬分傢的故事,新加坡如何曆盡韆辛並入馬來西亞,結果因與馬來西亞領導人持不同國傢發展政見,不得不宣布獨立。 《李光耀...
評分 評分因為對亞洲各國的當代史不熟悉,況且印象中的記憶本身就是被某種原因特地的扭麯過,這本書要一邊看,一邊查WIKI的各國和首腦介紹,看得真費勁。 瞭解新加坡,附帶還要瞭解亞洲,算是讀此書的另一收獲吧
圖書標籤: 李光耀 新加坡 曆史 傳記 英文原版 政治 經濟學 政治學
評分隻讀瞭中國部分,Two extraordinary visionaries & pragmatists. Much to learn from記憶最深刻的居然是革命猛男們惺惺相惜你給我準備煙灰缸我給你開風扇的事://
評分隻讀瞭中國部分,Two extraordinary visionaries & pragmatists. Much to learn from記憶最深刻的居然是革命猛男們惺惺相惜你給我準備煙灰缸我給你開風扇的事://
評分This book is a detailed account of Singapore's history beginning from its independence and its development to a first world country under Lee Kuan Yew's leadership, and the second part is Lee's diplomatic relationships with different nations and his dealings and views on their leaders.
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