Eric Hoffer (1902-1983) was self-educated and lived the life of a drifter through the 1930s. After Pearl Harbor, he worked as a longshoreman in San Francisco for twenty-five years. He is the author of ten books, including "The Passionate State of Mind", "The Ordeal of Change", and "The Temper of Our Time". He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1983 and died later that year.
The True Believer 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
英文名:The True Believer : Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements 作者:【美】Eric Hoffer 狂热既是一种灵魂的疾病,却又是一种可以让社会和国家振衰起弊、死而复生的神奇工具。 群众的吸引力 对改变的渴望 1、宗教运动、革命运动和民族主义是热情的发电厂;所谓的宗教...
评分【读品】罗豫/文 作为一本社会学经典著作,《狂热分子》一书的引进,比及同题材赫赫有名的《乌合之众》似乎晚了很多。不过作者的传奇经历,却让人忍不住对他的观点多几分信赖。埃里克·霍弗父母早逝,7岁时莫名其妙地失明,15岁时又毫无原因地复明,至此养成了如饥似渴的阅读...
评分1951年的作品,美国人写的,依旧契合当代社会。看完后,只觉得所有曾经发生过灾难性的群众运动的地区,都应该把社会学纳入最基本的"思想品德"或"政治"教育的必修课,不过,这大概会让政客们丧失他们最有效的武器吧。 不知该怎么评价,摘录几段吧: -- 关于"不满情绪" “不满...
评分《狂热分子》一书作者埃里克•霍弗有着传奇的一生:7岁失明,15岁复明,父母双双早亡,过了近十年流浪零工的生活。通过自学成为伯克利大学高级研究员之后他仍未离开码头,被称为“码头工人哲学家”。 霍弗深感自己生活的世界空前嘈杂,他在此书中摒弃一切言不尽意的浮躁,深...
评分【读品】罗豫/文 作为一本社会学经典著作,《狂热分子》一书的引进,比及同题材赫赫有名的《乌合之众》似乎晚了很多。不过作者的传奇经历,却让人忍不住对他的观点多几分信赖。埃里克·霍弗父母早逝,7岁时莫名其妙地失明,15岁时又毫无原因地复明,至此养成了如饥似渴的阅读...
图书标签: 社会学 群体心理学 心理学 社会学/人类学/心理学 英文原版 政治 社科 社会
A stevedore on the San Francisco docks in the 1940s, Eric Hoffer wrote philosophical treatises in his spare time while living in the railroad yards. The True Believer -- the first and most famous of his books -- was made into a bestseller when President Eisenhower cited it during one of the earliest television press conferences.Completely relevant and essential for understanding the world today, The True Believer is a visionary, highly provocative look into the mind of the fanatic and a penetrating study of how an individual becomes one.
每一句话都想标记下来,比如:There is a tendency to judge a race, a nation or any distinct group by its least worthy members.
评分It took a long time to read! this book!
评分Inspiring, though some claims are unsupportable. The author is quite perspicacious.
评分"It is a truism that many who join a rising revolutionary movement are attracted by the prospect of sudden and spectacular change in their conditions of life." 一针见血。
The True Believer 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书