My Life as an Explorer 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1,第一章的“同在一个车厢的是带着老婆孩子跑路的波斯……商人”。“跑路”在中文里应该是什么意思!我特意翻到前面又看一遍,没弄懂为啥要跑路?这个译者周山很有名吗?就这水准? 2,排版很不用心。第一章结尾,应该是最后一段开头部分,莫名其妙的出现了第二章的标题!而且...
评分《亚洲腹地旅行记》又名《我的探险生涯》,读了很久。最早知道这本书是在中国杨镰的书里,杨对赫定和这本书推崇备至。读毕几点感受想说一下: 1、平淡与惊奇。这本书很长但读起来也可以很迅速,因为人们在不一样不重复的景观下对时空的感受是很迅捷的。亚洲腹地就是如此。这本...
评分孙版李版都是三十年代译的。不知道现在是否有新的版本。但是新的版本常常代表着研究生课余捞外快大家合译,质量非常整齐地。。。。 低。 这个版本是孙仲宽的,翻的不错,修订的也很好,略有瑕疵 有几个地方还有 克拉格兰母的说法,这应该是指公斤,没有完全改过来。 另外书中提...
评分最早看这本书还是十多年前了,在网上一堆低价处理的图书中,一眼相中,然后爱不释手,其实翻译的并不好。多少年后,换一个版本重温,一路看到最后关于日本的地方,对翻译已经崩溃,好在故事还算明白。 书本中斯文赫定前半生的探险,始于开篇迎接极地英雄的凯旋庆...
图书标签: 游记 探险 SvenHedin 旅行 Hedin Sven 文化 户外
Introduction by Anthony Brandt.</p>
Over the course of three decades in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Swedish geographer and explorer Sven Hedin traveled Central Asia¼s ancient Silk Road, along the way discovering lost cities, mapping uncharted rivers, and seeing more of “the roof of the world” than any European before him. Illustrated with 160 sketches by the author, this larger-than-life memoir captures the splendor of now-vanished civilizations, the excitement of unearthing ancient monuments, the chilling terror of snow-clogged mountain passes, the danger of infiltrating Tibet and of outwitting Torgut bandits, and the honor of close friendships with royalty from Peking to London.</p>
A worldwide bestseller in the 1920s and named one of National Geographic Adventure magazine's “100 Greatest Adventure Books of All Time,” the National Geographic Adventure Classics edition of My Life as an Explorer features an expedition map and exclusive reprints of articles Hedin wrote for National Geographic between 1897 and 1905.</p>
My Life as an Explorer 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书